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There are some human beings in this world who are soft enough to feel every terrible thing that happens so deeply, and are still brave enough to remain constant and suffer for those who need them the most. Even the stars blink in awe of the gleam of their souls.

Even when you felt you weren't strong enough to survive, somehow you found the strength to survive anyway. What does that say about you other than you are made from the blood of stars, with enough iron in your veins to make ten swords, and the same carbon that makes it impossible to break diamonds?

Some people are going to love you like you are a pond, and others are going to love you like you are a river, but you are an ocean, and you should never settle for anyone who loves you for anything less than that.

But still, I admire the way you carry your pain, even the air around you stills, humbled by your bravery and your grace.

Find me when you're hurting; find me when you're broken; find me when your mind is a mess and your heart is falling apart. I have already seen you as a beautiful, ancient thing that lives in dreams. But even beautiful ancient things are allowed to feel broken, and loved for it anyway.


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