Caught: Jeffmads

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James' POV

"I'm going to be taking a bath!" Thomas shouted.

"Ok!" I shouted back and heard a door shut. I assumed it was the bathroom door. I sighed, 'what to do?' I thought. I then shrugged and walked over to the bookshelf. I grabbed a random book, that I had probably read before, and flopped into a large, cushy, red chair. I opened the book and started reading it. I was absorbed into the book when I heard a crash.

Meow, I heard my cat Buttercream meow. She was a pale kitten, she had Forest green eyes, white fur, long bushy hair, and a long bushy haired tail. I had gotten her a few months ago, I had found her on the streets starving. So, I brought her home.

I sighed and got up. I walked to where the crashing noise came from. A glass vase had fallen. Flowers, water, and glass were all over the floor. I sighed and ushered Buttercream out of the room. I walked to the bathroom and went in. I looked in there and saw Thomas in the bath, the bathtub was full of Mac and cheese and there was also a rubber duck on top of it, with a forkful of Mac and cheese in his mouth. I froze, because I had forgotten Thomas was in there and I had no idea why the bathtub was full of Mac and cheese. The whole tub was full of it. Also I was wondering why was there a rubber duck just casually sitting on top of Mac and cheese. His and my face were red from blushing. I grabbed what I needed and ran out.

I cleaned up the mess and clapped my hands. I was satisfied with my work. Then I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and then a kiss to the back of my head. It was Thomas, I let out a content sigh and relaxed into his arms.

" Why were you in the bath with it filled with Mac and cheese and had a rubber duck on top of it?" I asked him.

"You know how obsessed I am with Mac and cheese." He told me, but avoided answering why for the rubber duck, and I nodded. I did know that he was obsessed with it. I sighed and got out of his arms. I led him to the couch and pushed him down into it. I put Moana on and sat on his lap. I cuddled him as the movie played. We had to pause the movie to cook dinner, can you guess what we had? Yes, we had Mac and cheese.

After we finished the movie and cuddled for a bit I got tired. I yawned and stretched. Then I got up and told him I was going to go to bed. Then I walked to our bedroom and to our bed. Something felt off though. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and saw 20 boxes of Mac and cheese on the bed. "THOMAS!" I yelled.

"Oh schist." I heard him say.

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