Kingbury- Fluff (Pt 1)

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(Haha the past two have been smut I need to add some fluff for my fluffy children, but this is gonna be a two part, half smut, half fluff... also slight angst.. Yay!
Disclaimer: I don't know shit about historical people or churches so forgive me :/ )

3rd person POV

Samuel had been beaten and bruised. He sat on the floor of his home, treating his wounds. You see, Samuel was a homosexual, yet he was also a bishop. In the church, homosexuality was a sin, and Samuel was beaten daily in an attempt to rid his homosexual tendencies.

Samuel wrapped a bandage around his sliced foot, then sighed. That had been the last roll. He threw on a cloak and boots, heading outside. He needed to go buy more.

Just as the bishop was nearing the market, an elderly man he knew from the church saw him and scowled, holding out his cane to trip the poor boy. He hit Samuel with his cane, then walked off. Samuel curled into a ball and hid his face, sobbing into his knees.

"Excuse me..?" A voice said. Samuel didn't bother looking up. "I'm not in the mood.." he hissed.
The owner of the voice laughed. "I can see that.. tell me, sir, would you like a hand?"

Samuel looked up at the owner of the voice, only to find King George William Frederick the Third looking down at him with and outstretched arm.

Samuels face turned beat-red. "O-oh! My apologies, sir, am I bothering you? It was not my intention, I swear!" In all truth, Samuel was gay for the king. His icy blue eyes charmed Samuel, and his pale skin seemed to give the bishop warmth inside.

George gave a hearty laugh. "No, no, it's quite alright! I say, what is your name, young lad? I do believe I am safe to assume you know mine, yes?"

Samuel gulped. "My name is Samuel Seabury, your highness."

George took Samuels hand and kissed it. "Well, my dearest Samuel, it seems as though you are injured. Would you like to accompany me in the coach, so your injuries can be treated?"

Samuel shyly nodded. "If it's not too much trouble, sire.. I'd hate to be a bother.." He squeaked out.

George gave a chuckle and scooped Samuel into his arms, earning a squeak from the smaller man. Samuel clung to George, in fear of falling.

George carried Samuel into the coach, setting him down on his lap. "So.. my dearest, how did you acquire such intense bruising..?" He inquired.

The smaller man gulped, shifting in the kings lap. "I-I am a Bishop, sir.. we are given harsh punishments at my church if we break any rules.."

The king raised brow, wondering what this frail boy could have done to be beaten so badly. "What rules did you break?" He questioned. Samuel gulped and turned away. "Only one.." He said, shamefully. "I-I am a homosexual.." he looked down like a puppy who had just been scolded.

"Oh? That's all?" George smirked. This day just kept getting better. Samuel nodded shyly. A chuckle erupted from George. "Well, my dear," he started, gently grabbing Samuels chin, forcing the bishop to face him. "I think you'd be interested to know that I am a homosexual as well."

Samuels heart fluttered and a blush formed on his cheeks. "Is that so, sire?" George nodded and leaned closer. "And I think I have taken a liking to you..." he gently pressed his lips to Samuels, who squeaked and froze.

After a moment, Samuel kissed back. They kissed for a few more moments, then George wrapped his arms around the boy and hugged him close, stroking his hair gently. Samuel snuggled close to the King, humming softly.

"You may sleep now, my dear Samuel.. I will awake you when we arrive at the castle.." George whispered, and Samuel did just so..

(End of Part One)

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