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Kim Jiwons POV~

My little age ranges from 1 to 5. I may be the nicest person when I'm little but when i get mad i don't listen to anyone. Little me hates being alone and i love coloring books ,stuffies, candy, and cuddles

"i-i need m-my pills" I say to June who is sitting in a desk in front of me.

"What" he says loudly as the teacher walks in.

"Quiet" our teacher Mr.Kim says.

" i-i need my pills" I say in a whisper, as I start to get angry and annoyed.

"Hey" "stop talking baby boy". I hear Hanbin say

"b-but ca-i can't" i say mixing up my words

"i-i need-d m-my pills"

"Stop talking or you'll regret it. Hanbin says in a dark scary voice.

I keep quiet and moan in pain.

This is the first time I haven't taken my pills so it hurts.

I can feel my classmates staring at me.

"Are you ok Jiwon" Mr.Kim asks.

" y-yes" I say, slurring my words, drool, dripping down my chin.

I pick up my head and look around.

I feel a knot in my stomach and feel my mouth water up.

I run to the trash can and start throwing up.

I hear the other students whisper and gasp.

I lift my head up and everything starts blurring up.

I try and keep my eyes open but I fail.

Before I close my eyes I see Mr.Kim and Hanbin run over to me.
Jiwons POV~

I wake up in an empty room. I start to feel tears in my eyes.

I'm hungry, scared and alone.

Tears roll down my cheek and I start yelling.

I hear footsteps coming towards the room.

A tall man comes into the room first and after him, about five more people walk in.

I hide under the covers and start crying again.

I hear the soumd of people talking and suddenly the blankets are yanked off of me.

I look up and see about 5 people looking down at me smiling.

"w-who are you." I say tears still in my eyes.

"Aw my baby boy doesn't remember me."

"n-no" i say stammering my words, I obviously know who he is because big jiwon likes him, I'm just lying because big jiwon always told me to act like a big boy and keep his crush a secret.

"That's too bad" one of the other guys say making all of them laugh.

"Anyway, I'm here to punish you baby" the one in the front says, while grabbing a bag from one of the other guys in the back.

"I hope you're ready baby".

I don't know where I'm going with this story honestly sksksjskssjsjsks.

Hope y'all like it.😔

Jae Out✌🏾

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