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No one's POV~

Hanbin walks into the room and sees jiwon and tae crying. "What happened" hanbin says as he and jungkook slowly walk over to their crying baby's. "i dun know" says tae, calming down as jungkook rubs his hair gently.

"he stwart cwying and i go scwared" tae says as he trys to explain. Jiwon, still on the floor crying had already slipped into little space. He was scared, confused, and hungry. "d-addy" jiwon says softly as he looks up at hanbin.

"Already calling me daddy." hanbin says teasingly as he smirks at his little baby getting flustered.

"i-i m-mean hanbin." jiwon says blushing a deep pink color.

"Don't call me that anymore" hanbin says with a soft but stern voice." "Call me daddy." "I like that name."

"o-otay" jiwon says, still frightened by his surroundings.

"cwan i go home now daddy." jiwon says softly.

"What do you mean baby." "You are home."

"n-no i not." Jiwon says confusingly

"Yes you are." "This is your new home." Hanbin says walking closer to Jiwon.

Jungkook and tae had already left the room. They thought it would be a good idea for Hanbin and Jiwon to talk together alone.

"I dun lwive here tho." Jiwon said still confused.

"You do now." Hanbin said slowly getting annoyed.

"YAY!" "I can stway wit u now daddy!" Jiwon said happily, throwing all his common sense out the window.

"Yes you can." Hanbin says smiling.

Jiwon gets up and wobbles towards his daddy, giving him a big hug. Hanbin hugs him back softly. They finish their cuddle session and head down stairs with jungkook and tae.

"Are you guys done talking." Jungkook asks Hanbin.


"Daddy." Tae calls out to jungkook . "Yes baby." "I wan plway wif Jiwonie." Tae says smiling brightly at Jiwon.

"Sure, just ask him if he wants to play with you."

"Hi!" "Do u wan play wif mwe?" Tae says while running up to Jiwon.

Jiwon hides quickly behind his daddy and peaks his head out. "It's fine baby." "He just wants to play." Hanbin says calmly.

"o-ok." Jiwon says softly as he walks towards the hyper boy.

"what do u wan play." Tae asks jiwon. "can we pway catch da bad guy." Jiwon says  slowly starting to come out of his shell.

"Yeah I wuv dat game." Tae says "I be bad guy, Kay?"

"Otay!" Jiwon says smiling.

A few hours pass and both boys are still playing.

Hanbin and jungkook has made dinner and called both boys to come sit and eat.

Jiwon and tae sat down and immediately tae started arguing with jungkook about him not being able to eat anything except chicken nuggets.

"Tae baby, you need to eat." Jungkook said in a stern voice. "NO!" Tae said loudly, causing everyone at the table to go silent.

"i-i wan chickie nugget too." Jiwon said quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Both of you will eat what's on your plate this instant or both of you won't get any desert." Jungkook said firmly.

"And Tae you'll regret raising your voice at me." Jungkooks final words were.

Hanbin was just watching this all as if it were a

After everyone finished their dinner Jiwon and Tae ran over to the couch to watch tv.

Not even a few seconds later, both of them were arguing on what to watch.

"I WAN WATCH DAN TIGWAR!" Jiwon said loudly.

"I WAN WATCH FINDWING NEMO!" Tae said in protest.

At the moment Jiwon had the remote and Tae was attacking him for it.

Tae jumped on Jiwon's lap and started reaching for the remote causing friction between the two boys.

Before you knew it both of them were hard.

Hanbin and jungkook had ran in the room and jungkook lifted Tae off of Jiwon.

"What's wrong with you today Tae." Jungkook said looking at his baby.

Tae wanted his pants off. It was getting tight and uncomfortable.

"D-daddy." Tae said softly in jungkooks ear. "Can you punish me now?" Tae said blushing hard.

"W-what are you talking about." Jungkook said slightly confused. "Look down." Tae said softly.

Once Jungkook had looked down he packed up him and Tae's things and politely left, rushing back to their house.

Now Hanbin was left with a somewhat horny virgin.
Hey,  it's been two long weeks🙂

I hate school.

And expect another chapter soon.

𝓙𝓪𝓮 𝓸𝓾𝓽🦌

Heal Me Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora