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No one's POV~

Hanbin stood there looking at Jiwon... moaning and begging to be touched.

"d-daddy..." "down there f-feels weird."

"I know baby." Hanbin spoke calmly.

"daddy c-can you fix it for m-me p-please."

"I don't know baby."

Although Hanbin was hoping this day would come he didn't think it would be so soon. He didn't want it to be so soon. He wanted to wait and come to an understanding with his baby first.

"D-daddy it h-hurts." A whimpering Jiwon whispered. Tears on the verge of falling down his cheeks.

"I know baby." "If you go to sleep i bet it'll go away."
Hanbin said softly hoping Jiwon would just obey him and go to sleep.

"Mmm- ok d-daddy." Jiwon said quietly, stumbling as he tried to stand up.

"Daddy can you carry me pwease?" "I don't think I can walk." Jiwon said.

"Sure." Hanbin said

Jiwon got up early in the morning. So early that it was still dark out and the sun stilll wasn't up.
Jiwon did not have a good sleep at all. He was twisting and turning all night long.

Jiwon got up out of the bed and walked out of the bedroom door. He walked quietly down the hallway and tip toed down the stairs so he wouldn't wake daddy up.

He had thought of a plan since he couldn't fall asleep.

He decided that if he went downstairs and made a snack and watched some tv he would fall asleep easier.

So little Jiwon hopped off the last two steps and landed on his bum.

He whimpered a little bit but remembered that he was supposed to be quiet.

Little Jiwon saw that all the lights were off and started to cry a little. It was so dark.

He quietly tip toed to the kitchen and saw that the lights were on but no one was in there.

He took light steps towards the counter and hopped onto it. He opened the cabinets to take out all of its contents.

He took out candy, cereal, popcorn, and other snacks he could find.

He poured them each into a separate bowl and spilled some while doing so.

He then went into the refrigerator and took out apple juice, chocolate milk, and orange juice.

He mixed all of these liquids together to get a dark translucent like drink.

He took all of these snacks to the living room and placed them on the floor.

He turned the tv on and put on some cartoons.

Once he got everything situated he started eating his snacks.

He hadn't left one crumb in the bowls.

After he finished eating he drunk his chocolate milk /orange juice/apple juice mixture and continued to watch tv.

He wondered where daddy was but he really didn't care at the moment.

Soon he fell asleep.
Jiwon woke up to the sunlight hitting his face.

He was not on the couch anymore.

He was in hanbin's bed. But Hanbin was no where to be found.

Jiwon's POV~

I woke up and felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I felt like throwing up but I didn't want Hanbin to know what I did so I swallowed it in.

That made me want to throw up even more.

I was not in little space anymore and I felt like trash.

I got out of bed and basically crawled to the bathroom.

I tried to open the door but it was locked.

I crawled downstairs and was met with a group of people sitting on the couch.

Hanbin was also there.

He was talking to them about something that I could not comprehend.

They all seemed to be interested in what daddy was saying that they didn't even notice me.

At this point I felt dizzy.

I felt like throwing up and passing out.

Maybe I shouldn't have eaten all that food.

I was so caught up in my thoughts and how I was about to throw up that I didn't even realize everyone staring at me.

I looked straight back at them and turned to face Hanbin.

It took me about a good 5 seconds before I threw up all on the floor and stairs.

And right after that I passed out.


Finally I finished this chapter.

This took a awhile because i was being lazy but I finally finished it.

Yay me.

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