The Day Hannah Died

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The Night Hannah died, there was a scared girl in a dark alley, violently groped by a man, leaving no space for interpretation of his intentions. Hannah heard her screaming, ran up to them, distracted the monster. She told the girl to run. And while she ran, she heard the shot. The girl called 911 and Hannah got rushed into a hospital at two o'clock in the morning, without the slightest chance of surviving the next twenty-four hours.

The Day Hannah died, I was happy.

I got an A on my semester work in English and an A on a maths test. My mom took me shopping and we laughed a lot. That was before I knew, Hannah had given her life for the safety of another girl in a dark alley.

Cordelia made two phone calls that day: The first one to me, then to Hannah's father. She asked me to come to their house and told me to take anything I wanted. I took Hannah's list because that's the thing I wanted to cherish. I wanted to talk to people, tell them how I felt.

Because the girl you love might be a fucking hero.

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