Ch.1 Back To The Cul-De-Sac (The Scam)

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The sky was beginning to dim, orange and purple hues swirling together, clouds gently moving with the rhythm of the breeze. Slowly, laughter of children was dying out replaced with the sound of bikes and toys being put away, and doors shutting. Who would know when the last time that happens would be? The last time you put your toys away for good. The last time you rode your favorite bicycle. The last time you put childish ideas and dreams away. 

It wasn't the last time for everyone though.

"Alright, listen to this boys." Eddy was rubbing his hands together smiling widely.

"Eddy, I think we may be too old for this now." Double D said.

"What if we get in trouble, Eddy?" Ed asked looking concerned.

"This won't happen this time! This will work for sure!"

The Ed's of the Cul-De-Sac. Scheming and scamming kids for years. 

Eddy was the one with the plan, Edd A.K.A. Double D was the one who made these plans come to life, Ed well... he was good at lifting things. 

Through their elementary and middle school years, these three have been together, sharing stories, secrets, scams, schemes, and everything lead back to a jaw breaker. But now they were older, different goals and different dreams but who they are never changed.

Double D was standing with his arms folded, "So, tell me Eddy," his eyes narrowed at the smaller boy "what exactly makes this plan different from all the others?"

Eddy just smiled, looking between his two friends as if they were trophies. Of course this made both of them gulp, they were feeling a sense of dread come over them. 

"So what we are going to do is something we have never done before."

Eddy turned to Double D, "And you don't gotta worry at all, Sockhead, what we are doing is actually good."

Double D raised an eyebrow, "Good? Good Eddy? When have we ever done something that was actually good!"

"Remember the time we helped Sarah make a new dollhouse?" Ed said.

"Well yes, Ed, but the good deeds we have actually done do not even come close to comparing to all the wrong-doings we've committed!" 

"Calm down, just listen up." 

The two boys listened to Eddy, one spaced out and the other in denial of this so called "good" scheme.

"You know how the big field trip is coming up, right?" 

The two boys nodded.

"Well, think about this." Eddy then pulled a paper out of his backpack, showing the other two boys.

"It's the field trip, Eddy." Ed looked at Eddy confused, they all knew about it, everyone in the whole cul-de-sac (who was in their grade) was excited. Those in that part of Peach Creek never did much, not like the rest of the kids in the high school who came from different neighborhoods.

"Right Ed, that is the field trip form, what is so important about that, Eddy?" 

"Well, what does it say? It says that the trip is a whole week, enough time for my master plan."

The other two boys were still confused.

"Please, just say what this plan is already, Eddy." Double D began to tap his foot out of annoyance, irritation, but also suspense.

"One week trip, out of town, to an amazing theme park, were we all will stay at some random hotel with another classmate." Eddy's hands were trembling out of excitement.
"No adults, except in their own room-"

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