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Zayn’s P.O.V.

                Arriving to the new town that I will call home, I get the strangest feeling that I can’t seem to shake. My name is Zayn Malik and I recently came to this little town called Mullingar to get away from my parents and hate from my old “friends”, you see I came out to a couple of friends and they decided to out me for a chance at being popular. Because I was basically shunned after that, I decided to move and my best friend, Niall, said it was okay for me to stay with him. Pulling into his drive, I see Niall leap in excitement when he sees me through the window. Getting out I am immediately tackled into a famous Horan hug.

 “It’s so good to see you Zaynie!”

“Same with you Ni.”

“So, everything is all ready for you and with that being said I’ll leave you to get settled in.”

“Thanks Nialler,” I say as I start to walk towards the backyard.

Once I reach there I see a little trail leading into the woods so I decide to go for a walk. As soon as I can’t be seen anymore I start to morph into a wolf, yeah shocker I know. I am a hybrid, but I was not born this way, you see I was bit by a wolf three years ago when I was sixteen, and now I can change into a wolf which is great, but I have ears and a tail while in human form and they can be pretty hard to hide. That is another reason why I left home for Mullingar, and because my parents kicked me out after seeing my ears. I start running, trying to clear my head, and stumble across the trail of a lynx. The scent seems fresh and it is in my new territory, so I decide to follow it and teach this lynx a lesson. I push myself to run a little faster and see him about to drink, so I let out a warning growl to tell him to back off. What I did not expect was to meet cerulean eyes as the lynx turns around, but he can’t be like me can he? And what’s with this feeling that I need to get closer to him? The only other time I felt this feeling was the first time I saw Niall after getting the bite.

Louis POV

                The wolf looks at me curiously, while I try to get in my best defense position. Then the wolf starts to shake and now, where the wolf had been seconds ago, was a boy with olive skin, striking amber eyes, and a quiff.  Panic quickly took over and before I knew it I was running back to my house, leaving the wolf boy shocked and confused. Upon returning to my house the real shock kicks in that he was like me and now I probably ruined all chances of becoming friends with him or seeing him again. And what’s with this pulling feeling that seemed to be slightly present when I looked into those amber eyes?

**Two Days later**

                I almost forgot about the wolf boy I met a few days ago, as I focused most of my time on my job. Locking up that night, I catch a distant familiar smell but before I have a chance to think about it, someone bumps into me. I look up from the ground to see wolf boy, shit, I hope he doesn’t recognize me. 

Zayn POV

                I could not get the boy out of my head, and after he left I had gone back to Niall’s house and watched the footie game with him. I had decided that night that the next day I would go searching for him, but after two days of not finding him I feel like I should give up. I look at my feet, but suddenly knock into someone. I go to apologize, but when I look back those cerulean orbs are staring at me in fear?

“Hey, your that lynx!”

“Please don’t hurt me.”

“Why would I hurt you?”

“I don’t know, because you are a freaking wolf!”

“That doesn’t give me a right to hurt you, and the name’s Zayn”

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