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Harry POV

                Traveling around and sightseeing has been something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, so I decided to travel the world and just see new places that seem to mesmerize me. I finally arrived in my new location, Mullingar, and decided to look around before finding a place to stay. Walking has always been one way for me to clear my head, and when I found a little trail leading into the woods, I decided to follow it and see where it goes. I’m not really worried about anything bad happening because being part cat had its advantages sometimes. I find a little river and decide to follow it for a bit, but before I even get to the river I hear a growl behind me. I turn around and see a huge bear, and the only thing I can think of is oh crap and then I turn into my cat form to try and nimbly get away from the bear. The bear sees me try to get away and before I can react a paw swipes at me and I go flying towards a rock. My head hits the rock and before I black out I feel water envelop me. Suddenly someone grabs me and I feel water rushing out of my mouth. I sputter and cough until I can finally breathe and then open my eyes to see concerned cerulean eyes looking back at me.

“Are you ok?” he asks me

“Yeah.” It’s then that I realized I switched back to my human form, and so now he probably knows I’m a hybrid.

“Hey, it’s ok we’re like you, so there’s no need to be afraid.” He spoke kindly and softly to me like he was trying to keep me from going into shock.

We I think and then I turn my head to see two other boys a little farther back. I look at this boy and can’t help but feel connected to him and possibly the other two boys.

“Who are you?”

“Louis Tomlinson, lynx hybrid, and those two are Zayn and Niall.”


“Yeah, but are you ok because it looked like you got hit hard by that bear?” he asks as the other two boys make their approach.

“Um, I think so.” I say as I try to get up only to sway a little, but luckily Louis catches me before I fall.

“Hey take it easy mate.”

“Thanks.” I say as Louis helps me walk back to the path.

“So, mind telling me what you were doing out here in the first place?” asks Louis

“Um, I was sightseeing before finding someplace to crash but then that bear came out of nowhere.”

“Well, you can stay at my place if you like.” The blonde boy, Niall, says.

“Ok, sure.”

Liam’s POV

                Darkness and cold are the only things that I know right now. Escaping the lab was harder than I expected, but now I’m free. I have no idea of where I’m even at, but the dumpster I live behind is basically my new home. I can’t remember anything about myself, except that I’m a hybrid or a disgrace to most people. My back still hurts from where they whipped me, and the only warmth I have is the tattered clothing I’m wearing. I can’t hope for anyone to find me because people would just beat me again.

Louis’s POV

                As we are walking home we learned a little more about Harry and we have become very good friends, even though we’ve only known each other for a little while. This instant connection I feel with all of them has me a bit worried, but if it’s meant to be then it’s meant to be right?

                “Hey Louis I think we’re going to head on home mate.” Zayn says as we come into town.

“Ok, but where is Harry going to stay?”

“He can stay with us if he likes.” Niall replies while looking at Harry.

“Um, that would be okay, I guess.” Harry replies, a bit nervous because we just met a little while ago.

“Alright well then I will see you soon, and don’t worry Harry they aren’t going to hurt you.” I tell him in a slightly amused tone. I walked away before he could respond.

As I was walking home I thought about how my life has changed for the better over these past couple of weeks, with moving to Mullingar and finding some new friends who happen to be hybrids like me. I never thought it would be possible for my life to get better after all that has happened, but now I’m glad I came to this little town in Ireland.

Liam’s POV

I’m running again, from those people with the dangerous weapons. I’ve been running for a long time now, but they still manage to find me. I can’t remember going this long without resting or eating and if I don’t stop soon then something bad will happen. I hide behind the next dumpster I see and try to catch my breath without anyone noticing me. My whole body shakes with the thought of anyone finding me and taking me back to that god awful place. It’s starting to get colder and I find myself having a hard time keeping my eyes open, maybe I will just rest for a bit. 

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