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Zayn POV

I don’t remember what happened, the only thing I remember is Niall talking about the bite and then talking about the rest of us. I could feel myself responding to the boy and I changed back to tell him how much I cared, when he gets shot. I can still see the arrow lodging itself into my beautiful boy’s heart. The last thing I’ll ever get to say to him is that I loved him.

I heard the buzzing after that and people were rushing in to view the failed experiment. We were just a game to these people, testing out their theories as we believed it was all real. The only variable they didn’t include was someone shooting into the cage. I watched as they lifted Niall’s body onto a gurney and took him away. I don’t remember much after that, I just felt like my body was shutting down and that everything was done. I felt the lads pat me and crying on me but I couldn’t do anything because my first love was killed before my eyes and I couldn’t do a thing about it. I finally understood why Niall seemed to blame himself for the day I got the bite, because I blame myself for not being able to save him.

My poor Nialler is no more.

                Someone POV (It’s a surprise!)

                I started waking up to the sound of beeping. I tried to move, but I felt so heavy and I just wanted to go back to sleep. I twitched my finger and felt someone grasp my hand next to me.

                “C’mon love, a little more. Open your eyes for me and we can get you some very anxious visitors.” I hear someone say.

                I can feel my lids trying to open, but they’re just so heavy. I try again and manage to crack one open a little.

                “That’s it love, keep opening those lovely eyes. You’ve had quite a start haven’t you? Poor thing.” The voice says as I try to open my eyes some more.

                “Let’s see those pretty blue eyes. Keep going, you are doing great. A little more and we will have some people in to see you who miss you.”

                I open my eyes as much as they will and try to look around the room, but the only thing I can see is a light yellow color. I look to my left and see a nurse there; she must have been the one talking to me.

                “There we go love. You can’t sit up yet, because you had some major surgery, but we do have some lovey lads who would love to see you. How does that sound hun?”

                I look at her for a while and then she smiles and leaves to go get these boys. I just stare at the ceiling until I hear feet running down the hall and stopping in my room. I can’t see them yet, but I do hear them come in and say, “Niall?”

                I look and see four faces I never thought I would ever see again standing there and looking back at me.

                “H-hi lads.” I croak as someone comes to take each of my hands and the others run their fingers through my hair.

                “We have been so worried Niall. Zayn told us you were dead and then we couldn’t even think until someone came and asked for a Niall Horan. We told them they were late and they asked if we wanted to see him once he wakes up. We were so confused love, and the nurse told us they had to inject adrenaline into your heart to start it beating again and then they got the arrow out.” Louis said while combing his fingers through my hair.

                “They told us it was all an experiment and how we were going to be let go after they figured out how we work. They didn’t count on some crazy mother of a failed experiment coming and trying to off one of their most successful cases. They had to get you out of there quick to save you, but they made it and you’re going to make a full-ish recovery.”

                “What won’t fully recover?” I manage to get out as the lads continue to be close to me.

                “They say you won’t be able to have whiskers or sharper teeth anymore. You can’t change until you have completely healed and until Dr. Germaine clears you.” Zayn says while looking at me.

                “Yeah, it turns out that Dr. Quack is an actual doctor. Who knew?” Louis says while chuckling a little.

                “And Zayn was in a trance type thing when he ‘attacked us’. He basically was their puppet to see what could make us turn against each other, but you stopped that didn’t you little Nialler.” Harry says while squeezing my hand a little.

That was as far into the conversation as we got because then a nurse came in and said it’s time for the boys to leave. Everyone complains until I ask if they can stay and she allows it only because of me. The nurse leaves and returns with two rolling beds only to see three boys cuddled up together and a cat and a puppy beside them. With an amused smile, she just shakes her head and leaves the five lads to their sleep.

**One year later**

“Alright Niall, we got the all clear today, so you are going to shift today.” Louis says as we all gather outside. We had all gotten closer since our experiment, and after admitting we all had feelings for each other we became a five person relationship.

“What if I can’t do it anymore?” I question with a bit of panic in my tone.

“Then we still love you just as much and we won’t do things without you just because you can’t shift.” Zayn says as everyone gives a little nod to confirm it.

One by one the lads start to turn into their animal form and looked at me with interest. I look at each of them as their eyes glow their respective color; Zayn’s orange, Harry’s green, Liam’s gold, and Louis’s blue. I think about being a fox, and being able to run around on four paws instead of two legs. I think of fur and being smaller than I am now. When I open my eyes, I have to look up to meet the other boy’s animal grins, and when I look down I see little fox feet. I let out a little yip and start to run around the others while they all just watch me. 

We take off on our walk that has become part of the new routine for us. This routine includes the five of us living together and taking care of each other, we each have a certain thing we are good at and we all go good together. A couple will work a few days a week and others will take care of things around the house or, up until now, me. We would finish our day with a big meal and then cuddles on the couch that eventually lead to the bedroom. Louis and I usually coincide with heats and some of the boy’s ruts line up then so it gets very interesting around that time to say the least. And as I think about this as I run through the forest, I can’t help but think that I finally got my little happy ever after.

 AN: There will be an epilogue, but it's just smut, so this basically ends here unless you decide to read my epilogue. Hope you liked it, this story took me ages to write. Comment if it was good pretty please with one direction on top? See yah next time unless you stick around for my epilogue!

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