Yandere Chim

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Jimin sighed.
He wasn't going to stand by and let any of those dumb bastards take his senpai Sana...
He managed to take care of Sana's best friend Mark Tuan
M:Yah!It's not like I want you to walk with me to school....don't be late again!
He was a total tsundere and I doubt Sana gave a shit...
Now he needs to take care of the school jock Jeon Jungkook...
He sighed and got on the phone.
Kim Taehyung on the other line:
V:what do you need?
JM:I need more creative ways of getting rid of Jungkook...
V:I have an idea...
Jimin smirked.
The plan was evil but he loved it...
The next day Jimin looked for Jungkooks best friend BamBam...
JM:Hey bam bam!I need some help getting something from the storage closet do you mind helping me?
BB:whatever loser make it quick...
Jimin smiled.
JM:thank you...
BB:yeah whatever...
Jimin led BamBam into the storage closet.
JM:can you see if you can lift that box?
Bam Bam went for the box...
Jimin smiled thinking of all the horrid things he could do.
He pulled something from his pocket...
Bam Bam's eyes widened at the sight.
A/N:sorry for the last update being announcements but I thought I'd make it up by giving you a part of Yandere Chim...
What do you think Jimin does to Bam Bam?
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