Shout Out To My Ex(Part Two)

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A/N: alternate version as well as a genderbent version coming soon...enjoy!
Do I really want to go on X Factor US....I need to look at my bank account...hmm a ticket to America...I could afford it...maybe I could work over there and save up to get to the audition....this is stupid I should just-
TV:And we have an upcoming girl group Twice!performing What is Love?
Jimin grumbled.
I leave in two days...
Time Skip
Jimin took in his last breath of Seoul City's fresh air.
I won't be gone forever I promise...
He sighed as he took his seat.
Yet Another Time Skip...
The plane landed in LAX
Next stop...finding a job...
Jimin sighed as he was rejected time and time again.
He suddenly seen a flyer for a restaurant.
Huh...this doesn't look too bad...maybe the manager is really nice...
Jimin flinched.
A woman screamed at some random guy.
?:yes....'m looking for a job...
After the interview...
Jimin discovered her name was CL and she was also a musician.
CL:You'll start first thing tomorrow...
Jimin gulped having no where to go.
He said to the inn keeper.
?:you want a room?
?:It's yours for a week...
?:you look like a good kid now here's your key to get settled in.
JM:th-thank you...what's your name...
?:Min Yoongi...
Jimin lugged his heavy bags up the steps until he reached his room.
It wasn't a cheap place so it was a huge deal that Yoongi guy let Jimin stay in it for a week for only a days worth of money.
Jimin looked around the room.
It had new white carpet with a big white bed and a decent looking bathroom.
It also came with a desk and a TV as well as some other household appliances.
Welcome to the beginning of the rest of my life...

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