
540 14 9

Type~ Wisdom teeth
Warnings~ Nada just like your requests



     Im in the car with the boys and Zack. Jonahs driving, Zack's in the front seat and Jacharys in the back and Daniels with me in the middle. Zack's recording because they want the aftermath of my wisdom teeth removal over the internet.

    "So bean how are you feeling?" Zack asked pointing the camera towards me, turning his body so its easier.

    "Im gucci Im only nervous for the aftermath" I mumble looking at the camera.

   "Yeah? Well now you and Chrissy will be even" Zach points out and they all laugh.

   Jonah pulls in the parking lot and we all hop out Zack trailing behind recording. They are all laughing and having a good time.

Timeskip cause I need IDEAS


   The doctor who took Corbyns teeth out walked in the waiting room where the boys are all chatting. They all looked up and felt excided. The doctor let out a chuckle.

    "Your friend Corbyn is done he is in the room and he'll be able to leave in 10 minutes and Oh dear god does he talk alot about space and science" The doctor sighed and the boys laughed.

   "Yea! thats our bean!" Zach happily stated and they all stood up and followed the doctor in a room while hearing Corbyn yelling. Zack records laughing along with the other 4 boys.

    They walk in the room and see Corbyn sitting in a weird position talking to the nurse who looked like her last 2 braincells exploded.

    "Did vou know I haf a girlfriend!? Oh my fucking god is she gorgeously gorgeous! Shes my queen, my earf, my world and my everyfing, shes also my air. Thats a fact I dont know what I'd do without that beauty. She keeps me alive too" He rambled blushing and smiling while fixing the gauze every once in a while.

     "Hi bean!" Zach yelled ruining the moment. Corbyn looked over and smiled.

    "Zachy! I miffed you bubby!" He yelled and Zach climbed in his lap.

   "What did they do to your mouth?" Zach asked fixing the gauze.

    "They took out my teef I also fink they took my tounge as well. They are dorty greedy people if they did" Corbyn said crossing his arms making a face.

     "No they didn't I see it" Zach said poking it.

    "Zach dont touch his mouth" Jack warned softly causing Zach to jump and fling his arm back.

    "Zachy! I safe you! We no want a broked bubby" Corbyn said holding Zachs waist and nodding.

    "Yeah I dont want my baby broken" Jack says smiling.

    The surgeon, doctor Fitz walked in and shut the door behind him. "Alrighty Mr. Besson you are free to go once we change your gauze, A certain amount of bleeding is to be expected after surgery. Slight bleeding, oozing, or redness in the saliva is not uncommon.   place a gauze pad over the area and bite firmly for thirty minutes. Repeat if necessary. Chewing on the gauze only stimulates saliva flow, increases the risk of more bleeding, and risks injury to the numb oral structures. To minimize further bleeding, Sit upright, and avoid exercise. If bleeding does not subside, please call the office for further instructions." Blah blah blah more about what to do.

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