
406 7 8

Requested by~ wdw_lovelydani
Type~ Sad
Warnings~ mentions of suicide


Daniel is currently alone on a dock at the lake. Not many people were there. It wasn't a popular lake, which is why he was there. He had to think. This is where he would come to think, to feel safe and to hang out with his friend Jonah and to talk to his mother who passed away when he was 8 years old. Hes now 18

His dad hates him and kicked him out, after hitting him several times. He has bruises and cuts scattering his body. He was sure his arm was broken, as well as a few ribs.

He looked up at the starry night sky. He loved the stars. His mom and him would always point out the different constellations and cuddle on the blankets.

"Hi Mommy" He let a broken smile fall on his lips. "I miss you so much. Daddy does too. He hurt me today Mommy He said its my fault your gone, but I cant give you Cancer Mommy" A sob left his mouth and he wiped his eyes.

"Why did you leave me, its been 10 years, 10 years too long" He wiped his tears more and more leaving scratch marks below his eyes.

"Its too hard Mommy I hate it! I hate being away from you! You're too far Mommy!" He sobbed in his hands, desperately trying to stop.

"I hate it here! Daddy hurts me and people just call me a Zombie! Jonahs nice though. He's always been there for me through thick and thin, seen my worst and my best. I love him Mommy." Daniel sniffed and pulled out his phone.

He looked through pictures of him and Jonah, Him and His mom then him and his parents. He shakily called Jonah.

"Hello bubs!" Jonah greeted smiling. His smile soon faultered hearing Daniels sobs.

"Jo I just want to say how great a friend you were to me" He sniffled and Jonah furrowed his eyes worriedly.

"Daniel? What the hell do you mean?"

"You are a wonderful friend Jo. Thanks for being there through my worst and cheering me up till I was at my best"

"Daniel stop where the hell are you" Jonah asked slipping his shoes on and putting on his hoodie.

"Jonah I just wanted to let you know that I love you so much. I love you with all my heart, I love you through the galaxy and back"

"Daniel tell where you are right this fucking instant!" He yelled grabbing another Jacket and a blanket and blindly searching for his car keys, earning looks from his family. He found them and ran out the door.

"I want you to find someone, who will love you just as much as I do. Who will treat you like a king" Daniel choked on a sob and pulled out the gun from the waistband of his jeans.

"Daniel tell me where you are dammit!" Jonah cried pulling out of his driveway speeding down the road.

"I want you to be happy Jo. Can you do that for me? Be happy and smile everyday?" He asked bringing the gun up to his head.

"Baby shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up! You're going to be alright I promise, just please dont leave me please!" Jobbed, his vision blurring. He parked his car and seen a figure sitting at the edge of the dock.

"I hope you will grow up with a soulmate just like you tell me you want everyday. I hope you have 3 kids, two girls and a boy, just like you have told me" Jonah ran faster than he ever has and noticed Daniel holding a gun to his head.

Jonah never thought in his life that this would happen. He never knew Daniel was suicidal, he never knew Daniel was getting beaten. He knew something was wrong but didnt want to pressure the ocean eyed boy.

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