The Aquat Gem and the Wiserc Gem

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Aan flew just far enough to be safe and then landed. Aan with unhitched the satchel and drew out the arrow. Luckily the arrow had been stopped by the pice of steel which he used to start fires along with his pice of flint. Slindre only had some minor bruising. Aan started a fire to keep warm. He thought of what to do next. He decided to read some of the scroll, "How To Find and Recover the Tribal Magic". He read:

Gem Partners

The gems have partners that will help you find or retrieve one of the others. The gem that will help you find the Gustian's gem is the Wiserc gem. So, too, the Wiserc's gem will help you acquire the Aquat gem. This continues in a closed circle, in the following order: Gustian, Wiserc, Aquat, Pyron, Tellaportion, Terran. The partners of a gem will certainly help you to find that gem, but it is not impossible to find and retrieve a gem without its partner. Sometimes it just takes clever thinking to be able to obtain one of the gems.


The Guardians are positioned at every place were there is a gem. They are immensely powerful. They are not evil, only testers to see if you are worthy to posses the gem, however they will kill you if they are able too, in order to test you. They are normally a special species to that tribe, or a being made up of that tribes element. They can be killed only by people of incredible evil, but you don't have to kill a Guardian to defeat one. To disarm, immobilize, or to stab one will be sufficient. There is no Guardian that cannot be defeated. If you are able to master the element that a Guardian was protecting you can summon that Guardian to do your bidding or to help you. If you abuse the tribal magic the Guardians of the elements that you have retrieved will band together to over throw you. They will do all in their power to destroy you. The tribal magic it supposed to be used to make good and protect you. Beware, those who misuse it.

Aan rolled up the scroll. "Well, I suppose I'll try to find the Aquat gem." He thought. "First though I need to master the Tellaportions element so I can teleport whenever I want to. That is going to take some time." So Aan spent the rest of the day practicing teleporting. The trick was not to think of teleporting to the place, but of being at the place. You had to think deeply about the place, imagining that you were there. Then when you opened you eyes, you were. Soon Aan could teleport to a place in about ten seconds. But it was getting dark so he went to bed. The next day he kept up the practice. At the end of that day he could teleport in two seconds. Aan tried to summon the Guardian but had no luck. Apparently he wasn't a master of the Tellaportions magic yet. Aan, thought he was at the level in skill that he could try to get the Aquat gem. He would need to be able teleport well to get it.

Aan had already noticed that the closer that they flew to the ocean the dimmer the Pyron gem got. He thought that his was the way it helped you to locate the Aquat gem. He thought that the closer the Pyron gem got to the Aquat gem, the dimmer the Pyron gem became. Aan packed his bags and headed towards the ocean hanging on to Slindre. Luckily the day was warm and still so the water wouldn't be so cold. Aan kept checking the Pyrons gem to see how much it was glowing. He kept going further and further. Soon he was directly over the ocean. Aan checked the Pyron gem. It had gotten a tad brighter. Aan pulled Slindre closer to the water. Soon they were pacing directly over the spot were the Pyron gem was the dimmest. Aan let go of Slindre and fell into the water. Aan thought and thought of what the bottom of the ocean would look like, he made the image so vivid that it was almost like he was there. Aan began to feel that darkness, so he took a deep breath as he teleported to the bottom of the ocean.

It was cold at the bottom of the ocean. Judging from the penetration of light he guessed that he was down about fifty feet. Aan kept his breath held as he swam towards the ancient pedestal that held the blue gem of the Aquats. Aan was starting to run out of air fast. Aan thought very hard about the surface. Aan was instantly treading water on the waters surface. He gulped in the warm air. Then he teleported back to the bottom of the ocean. This time he teleported directly next to the pedestal. Aan reached out for the gem. The entire ground shook. The pedestal was actually attached to the back of a giant crab!

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