Gustian Magic and the Terran Gem

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The wind died down after the Guardian left. Aan could take off the iron boots without fear of falling (again). The guardian had left Aan's sword laying on the ground. Aan sheathed it and looked around the splendid castle. Hopefully Aan could come back to the large castle and make it his home. But for now Aan would have to travel only by air for a week. That would be WAY to much for Slindre to handle. So Aan would have to find another flying beast to keep him in the air. So again Aan tried to summon the Tellaportions guardian, the giant falcon.

This time Aan could hear the distant flap of huge wings. A giant falcon soared into view. It was blueish grey with huge black striped under its eyes. The falcon was about fifteen feet long with a wing span of twenty feet. It landed gracefully on the roof of the Gustian castle.

"Who are you?" It asked, staring at Aan with bewilderment. "You are not the person who defeated me. Were is Aan Onuk!"

"You met my father," responded Aan to the huge bird. "He passed the Tellaportions gem to me. I was the one who unleashed it. I am Aan Onuk Jr."

"Humph. I am not sure that you are worthy of this power." Aan tensed ready for a fight. "But I judge that Aan The Original would never pass the tribal gem down to someone who was not worthy. So I suppose that I will not have to test you." Aan relaxed again."What do you want?"

"I need you to carry me. How long can you fly?"

"Humph. Never question the flying power of the Guardian of the Tellaportions' Tribal Gem. Get on!" Aan mounted the giant falcon. He would have to live on the back of his beast for an entire week. Luckily Aan had packed lots of food into the satchel. Aan could not get the Terran gem now. He would get it at the end of the week. Aan wondered how his mom was doing.

All through the next day Aan flew on the back of the giant falcon. Aan had his breakfast on its back. The entire day consisted of sleeping, eating, and practicing controlling water. He still wasn't as good as he would like to be. All through that day and the next and the next he practiced. Occasionally he ran into squads of skeleton archers. Apparently the Dark Lords were searching for him. Aan always enjoyed shootings columns of fire down on them. His schedule for each day was: Wake up, eat breakfast, practice, go to sleep, wake up, eat lunch, practice, go to sleep, wake up, eat dinner, practice, go to sleep. It wasn't all that bad. Soon a week had gone by. Aan was a master of the element of water. He could create slides of ice that reached all the way to the giant falcon. Aan never used them, but it was good to know that they were there. Aan also was able to make ropes of water that he could use as whips on enemies. Aan even was able to make a sheet of ice at a moments notice to block enemies attacks. But all the while there was the nagging worry at the back of his head about his mother. He was waisting an entire week for stupid Gustian magic. But he might need it for the final battle with the Dark Lords. He had seen their power, and he would need all of the tribal magic to defeat them. Even then it might not be enough.

At the end of the week Aan could hardy sleep, today was the day that the Gustian tribal gem would be unleashed. Aan practiced and practiced to pass the time. Aan also had been able to concentrate a bolt of fire into a thin focused line, he also had been able to make it so hot that it turned a blinding white. That day at exactly seven twenty three in the evening the Gustian gem cracked, a thin white bit of smoke, which was a lot faster than the other tribal gems', spiraled and looped into Aan's chest. That gem was the easiest to unleash so far.

"Well, it would not have been so easy if I didn't have so many flying friends. Also defeating the Guardian was no easy task. As was the whole process of even staying on the castle". Aan had unleashed two thirds of the tribal gems, and had found five sixths of them. The last gem that Aan needed now was the Terran's tribal gem, and Aan knew exactly were to find it.

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