The Burnt Village and the Terran Magic

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Aan decided to walk to the village. Aan knew the way by heart. He could get to the village from here with his eyes shut. Aan walked over the river and through the woods. Unfortunately he had no grandmother in the village so he couldn't go to her house. After about fifteen minutes Aan reached the edge of the forest near his village. What he saw made him scream with fury! Instead of seeing his nice happy village, he saw mounds of ash and charcoal. The entire village had been reduced to rubble. Aan walked over to where his house once stood. The only thing left was a pile of ash, and a still burning log or two. Aan noticed that the cellar would be untouched, since it was underground. Hoping to find some hope down there he opened the trap door and defended the ladder.

Aan lit his hand and found that the cellar was much larger than he had thought it was. Aan saw quite a few small wooden chests on the ground bellow some shelves with paintings on them. Aan saw his entire family. There was a painting labeled Monon. There was no chest below it. There was also a painting of him as a baby. There was no chest below that one as well. There was a rock with the inscription "Living" next to his and his mothers portrait. Aan looked to the left side of his painting and saw a portrait of Aan Onuk, Sr. He was tall and had brown hair. He was smiling at the viewer and was holding a sword. He had blue eyes, and had a deep tan. Aan gazed upon the face of his father. There was no stone next to the portrait. But there was a chest below the painting. So Aan walked over to the chest and opened it.

In the small chest there was a bronze box. The inscription on it read: "The ashes of Aan Onuk, Sr. Wife of Monon Onuk, father of Aan Onuk Jr. son of Olivia Onuk and Kallion Onuk. A warrior, leader, and the first person in centuries to find a tribal gem. He died at the hands of a Dark Lord for leaving the village. He was and is well loved." A single tear splashed upon its bronze surface. Aan was holding the remains of his father. He wept silently for a moment. Then he kissed the container that held the ashes of his father and then closed the chest. Aan stood. He must complete the work that his father had bestowed upon him. He had to destroy the Dark Lords. They had taken his mother, killed is father, burned his village, and slaughtered his best friend. Aan and the entire world had suffered because of the Dark Lords. Now Aan would make the Dark Lords suffer.

Aan ascended the ladder that led to the outside. As he emerged Aan looked around the charred remains of his home, and noticed something that he hadn't before. There was a unburnt wooden slab with coal writing on it. It must have been Harrient who wrote it. Harrient was the only other person with the tribe that could read and wright. He seldom did it though so this message must have been important to him. It said:

"To whomever reads this and is opposed to the Dark Lords (namely you, Aan),

Most of us survived the attack. We are getting along fine as nomads for the moment. We cannot tell you the exact location of our hiding place for security reasons. We were able to rescue some supplies, and tools. It will not matter if we make weapons as we are wanted criminals anyway. I hope that you will defeat the Dark Lords and free the world. When you do send a column of fire or some other signal into the sky as a signal, we will be able to see it. Then we will come back, and help you with whatever you need.

P.S.: A note to Aan: I have saved your mother's cookbook from the fire. Do you mind if we use it? Thanks!"

So most of the village was alive! That was good. But now Aan couldn't dwell on that. He had to complete the last three steps of his quest. Unleash the Terran's gem, learn how to use the tribal magic as much as possible, and kick the Dark Lords' butts. So Aan whistled for Slindre. Slindre came immediately, and Aan flew of to a distant mountain to try to unleash the Terran's gem and to practice controlling the elements.

Aan touched ground. It was the ideal location. There was lots of earth to practice with after he unleashed the gem. There was also lots of air, and there was a large river flowing by so he could practice with water. There was also a cave where he could sleep. Aan removed the satchel from Slindre. Slindre flew away to hunt. That was another good thing about Slindre. Slindre could feed himself. Aan unpacked everything. He would be here for a while. Aan hoped that his mother was doing okay.

Aan and the DarknessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon