The Battle For Freedom

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Aan needed to learn and practice how to use the power of the Tribes before he could defeat the Dark Lords. So Aan blew on the ivory whistle and Slindre came immediately. "Hi, Aan." hissed the snake. Aan could now understand even the language of animals, because he had unleashed the Wiserc gem. "Hello, Slindre." Aan hissed back. "I have to get back to the cave where we have all of our equipment and provisions." Now Aan could actually be friends with this snake. Slindre wasn't just a safety net, of a mode of transportation anymore. Slindre was one of the only, and closest friends Aan had. Aan flew towards the cave on the mountain, clutching tightly to Slindre. They were chatting away like old friends.

Aan touched down. Slindre immediately flew away saying, "By Aan! Would you like me to bring you back a sparrow-weasel for you?"

"No thanks. I'm good."Aan responded. It was so great to be able to talk to Slindre. But for now Aan had to practice elemental combat. He quickly ate a meal. Aan didn't have to read about how to use Terran magic. Because of the Wiserc's power Aan already knew how. Also because of the Wiserc power Aan knew about all of the most advanced combat techniques. Aan trained all day mostly working on Gustian magic. By the end of the day he was able to make the air support him enough so that he could fly. He was also able to make a huge tornado, which he had to stop quickly because Aan accidentally sucked Slindre into its swirling cone. The only one of the Gustian moves that Aan couldn't do was summon lightning. He would have to work at that one later he had to get to sleep. It was almost two in the morning!

The next day Aan woke up early. Aan was already good at Aquat magic, Tellaportion magic, and Pyron magic, but he needed lots of practice with Terran magic. So after breakfast he began with plastering that weird paste made of ground coffee, dirt, cocoa, and worms. He would try anything to be a good controller of earth. Aan started small. Aan tried juggling small pebbles without touching them. Even this small task was difficult. After about an hour Aan finally got it. Gradually he tried with larger and larger rocks. Soon he was throwing and catching large boulders. Aan tried to throw them. The huge hunks of rock obeyed his command. They flew and crashed into the side of a neighboring mountain. Aan was able to throw boulders, but that wasn't enough. Aan tried to make walls of stone rise out of the earth. It took practice but eventually he was able to make a wall of earth about five feet thick hide him completely. Aan was able to move the wall if he moved. Aan could also create huge tunnels and slides after about two hours of practice. It was an awesome power to be able to control rock. Aan came up with a new idea for a weapon out of earth, as he was eating lunch. It took all day but Aan was able to at the end of the day make animals of rock and was able to animate them, they could think for themselves and obeyed Aan's orders. Aan had developed a new battle move out of earth. Aan ate a small supper and then had to go to sleep because it was getting late, but he would be up and training again the next morning.

Aan didn't get up until eleven the next morning. He was exhausted. He hadn't gotten enough sleep over the past two days. But Aan had to practice two very advanced moves today. Lightning, and encasing himself in that gigantic stone suit that the dwarf had made. After hours of practice Aan was able to summon a gigantic lightning bolt that made a sizzling crater in the mountain the size of the cave he was sleeping in. But Aan still couldn't get the huge stone combat shell. As far as he got was he was able to make himself a pair of misshapen legs that he couldn't move. Eventually he gave up and melted the legs back into the mountain. Aan went to sleep at five to catch up on sleep.

The next day Aan woke and ate a big breakfast. He would need a lot of energy to pull this Terran move off. Aan began to work ceaselessly on encasing himself in a stone warrior shell. By lunch he was able to encase just his arm in a warrior shell. He could move it with relative ease. But to move WITH it was very difficult. Sure it was great to punch through a wall, or to reach something, but he couldn't actually fight with it. Aan had to stop for lunch. Aan ate some dried beaf and got back to training. Aan worked and worked. His cloths were soaked with sweat. Aan's muscles were tired. He got nowhere all after noon. He ate a meager supper and got back to training. Just as Aan was about to give up and call it a day he did it. At first Aan rose into the air. Huge lumps of rock formed four huge limbs, a chest, and a head. They encased Aan completely. Aan was in the very center of this rock giants chest. Is was very dark inside, but somehow as if it were layered on top of reality Aan could vaguely see the outside. Aan concentrated on that image and the outside got clearer. Soon Aan couldn't even tell that he was inside a huge giant. He could see the outside as clearly as if he were there. Aan wasn't just encased in a huge warrior's armor, he was no longer Aan, he was the giant. He could move with the greatest of ease. Aan walked across the mountain as easily as if he were just walking through his own home. Aan did not feel the weight of his arms as he lifted them, it was as easy as grabbing something on a shelf. Aan had mastered the hardest technique that a Terran could do.

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