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Liverpool, England

"Soledad me llamas cuando lleves a Londres eh? Ah! Y dile a tu papá que todavía me debe 5 pesos de los elotes y buñuelos, y que esta ves si lo necesito para mañana! Bueno tu Abue y Lupe, y a los demás." My aunt Lucys voice boomed into my ear making me cringe. "Lucy! Nos vamos en media hora, hurry up!" My dad Roberto or Robert in English yelled from the downstairs of the big two story mansion.

"Bueno tía ya me tengo que ir te llamo cuando llegue a Londres. Adiós! Y dila a todos que los amo y quiero mucho. Muah! Bye!" I hurriedly talked into the phone and placed the cord around it. " Just let me go to Mimi's house Alright?!" I yelled at my dad putting on my shiny black shoes. Although I lived a bit far from the elderly woman's house I knew many shortcuts an passageways to get to her house quickly.

After I finished putting my hair into a pony tail and putting a scarf into it I quickly ran down stairs and jumped on the last step. "Alright si puedes ir just come back before the moving truck venga ok?" Dad spoke the words with a very funny and distinct accent than the normal Mexican would.

"Si esta bien." I opened the door and slammed it shut. I went to the side of the house and grabbed my turquoise bike. I got on and peddled hard and fast until I didn't need to anymore. I felt the cold breeze of wind hit my face and found it refreshing. I drove into Strawberry Field and saw kids playing football and throwing balls up in the sky.


"Mimi!" I yelled and knocked at the same time. After a minute of knocking she finally opened the door and let me in. "Stop it! You're hurting my head. I've had John call me a thousand times and which all of those he yelled." Mimi put her hand on her hips and put a face of annoyance. "John?" I asked confused about who she was talking

She went into the kitchen and  brought two cups of tea filled up to the rim. "Yes my nephew John, the one who works as a musician? He's coming by next week apparently he has something to tell me about a house or something I'm not sure." She told me with moving her hands all over the place as if she were an octopus in distress. She also told me about how he almost never called her and if he did he was drunk or high. He also complained how the tours were awful yet incredible.

To be honest I don't really know much about her "John" boy. I moved over to Liverpool when I was 12 but he was already 21 and had moved out to in Hamburg....... I think?

I never really payed attention to what she said. I mean we have a very close relationship but sometimes she rambled on about todays youth and how she hoped I wouldn't be like them even though I'm 17 going on 18.

I remembered how we baked cookies one time and I had made a huge mess. Next thing you know WACK! She gave a huge wack on my forehead.

I just told her "Mimi don't make that face you get older than you already are." Next thing you know she kicked me out of her house and went home walking during hard rain and got the flu.

"Oh that's very interesting. How come he doesn't visit you?" I sipped my tea and wiped my mouth so harshly I wiped if the lipstick I had on my lips. "He's actually very busy recording an album with his band mates." She said matter-a-factly "He must be working hard if he doesn't call you." I said with a scoffed "Oh Lucy don't be like that he's a good man... with a temper but a good man!"Mimi calmly said before she got up and dusted the sofa and tables.

"Plus he's very attractive." Mimi muttered as she looked downing sipped at her very fine china. "For a mule!" I snickered "No he's beautiful for a soul. Many people would've been damaged, been a hobo or mentally ill if they went through what he did." Mimi's voice took over my mind

"What happened?" I stared at her "Hmmm that's something for him to tell you." Mimi voices herself as a posh priest that was speaking very wise words. "Well how the bloody hell will he tell me if I don't know 'em?" I scrunched my face in confusion. "Something tells me you two will bump into each other, don't know when don't know how but I know you two will." Mimi played with her finger moving them in circular motions.

I continued to talk to Mimi about her nephew and how I'm moving to London, all about dangerous in life and her usual pestering of me being a "better lady in society" or the "stop getting in trouble or you'll be a bum for the rest of your life".I left and hour later heading toward London in a Black Aston Martin.

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