A/n: my friend did this it was super bad but I just decided choose this pic as a grateful act.

"Papa! Papa! Lola esta llorando!" Nobody seemed to hear me. "Papa? Mama?" I asked but I didn't get a reply. A baby's Screaming and crying boomed out, I went to pick her up and she was red. "Sh Lola. I'm right here." I cooed to my baby sister. I called out for my mother once again. She didn't seem to answer me.

I just searched for her, I looked around fir my mother with my sister in arms crying uncontrollably. I went into the closet and heard a crashing sound PANG! Something hit the floor, that only made little Lola cry even more, I looked down at her trying to make her stop crying but I kept on failing. I worried about my sister, what could possibly be making her cry this much?

I felt something on my leg, a soft a and pointy thing. I looked down in fear of what it would be. It was a hand, a small soft hand with long nails. "Mama! Mum wake up! Wake up mum wake up!" I shook her shoulder but she wouldn't wake up.

I looked at her face pools of blood coming out of her mouth mixed with white liquid. "I never loved you! It was all a farce! Lucy you will never get anywhere in life you no good little whore!" My mother became into a ghost going behind me. She smacked my cheek, my whole head turned and I fell backwards into a black space. I felt as if my whole body falling into a black whole "MOM!" I yelled

I felt like I was going back to reality. I shot up opening my eyes and gasping for air. I look around my surroundings to be in a unfamiliar house."Hey you Alright? You've gotten the old crooner got in your dreams haven't ya?" John grinned like a little child posing for a photograph. I could help but laugh at his expression once again "Mmmm well close enough." I looked at him in his eyes. I just stared into those sugar brown eyes that were always so mesmerizing.

Sure they were the most common in the world but it's not common to have someone with that eye color to have such emotion. He "Lucy can I ask you something if you don't mind?" John looked back at me. He looked at me with a curious smile. "Well, spill it ." I simply put it.

He looked uneasy and was finding it difficult to find the words to say. "Erm I know you're young but... you seem older than you do. Not that I'm calling you old! But I um" He looked very nervous as he was fidgeting with his hands and furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "Am I making the one and only John Lennon nervous?" I gave him a small smile and chuckle trying not to open my mouth like a hippo.

"What? No of course not I just can't find the right words to speak without sounding like a creepy arse!" He got all serious and acting all macho but I knew that somewhere in his weird little brain he knew he was nervous. "Yeah sure, John Lennon never gets nervous!" I teased him "No it's just that I'm fascinated with you! You look very young but your voice is wise! That honestly bloody confuses me!" John explained and made all types of different hand movements, he was so goofy all the time.

"When's the last time you've had a home cooked meal?" I randomly said out of the blue "2 years ago. Why?" My eyes went wide a talked to him like the big dope he was "WHAT!" I yelled, I looked at him in disbelief. What type of human doesn't eat a home made meal at least twice a meal!

I'd die if I didn't get my good sopes, birria, carne asada, or flautas! Even some of that good corn! Oh god I can't forget about my tortas de lomo y chorizo! I mentally flustered and cried "Well do you have any pasta? Any thing in the cupboards?" I asked. He just shrugged and shamed his head "Not even a Can of beans?" Once again he shakes his head "What about bread the basics right ?" He mouthed out no.

"Ay Dios mío santo! We are going to the butchers shop and a store!" I grabbed my clutch bag and grabbed his hand out the door. "But! Wait? What! Hang on!" I started to run to the door grabbing his car keys. He let go of my hand and said  " Okay where exactly are we going!? And how are we going to get there? With what money!" John questioned me "Your car my money!" I simply put it. I just smiled and he gave me an annoyed huffed look. I grabbed his hand and we left his house. "You're a very peculiar girl Lucy, indeed you are." That's all he said when we got in the car.

A/n: sorry I've been taking long to update I just went on vacation and WiFi was expensive as shit so I decided to spend that money more smartly in things I need lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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