Blue Fate pub 1965

"I've seen you walking to Ana's everyday. Te gusta el pescado que ella ase??" My dad spoke up. We were currently eating in a pub/restaurant. All types of people were in here, business men, woman that were from the hair salon, teachers, even children were in the place! "No, tu ya sabes que yo odio el pescado. Su guacamole es muy bueno y también su birria." I laughed and shook my head

"Ya casi voy a decirle a la gente que se vaya de aquí. Los artistas van a venir en dos horas, y tengo que terminar todo el plan de los vinos también los jugos para los más jóvenes." My dad moved his head everywhere looking at the clock and the people. "Ey papa cálmate, don't worry it'll all work out! I promise." I looked at him and he smiled with his pearly whites .

Looking at his teeth I huffed. "Oh my god no fair papa! Tu tienes tus dientes nice and all and I still have braces. I'm so jealous of you!" I frowned he laughed. "No te preocupes, mis dientes dream feas cuando teníais edad. Tus dientes están mas mejores que cuando tenia tu edad." He threw his head back with a huge grin. "Ugh dad I love you even though you're goofy." I softly smiled a him and he smiled back.

My dad stood up and announced that everyone had to get out or pay 100 quid to stay. 100 quid is something A lot of people couldn't afford, so people obviously went away and groaned. Right when I was about to sneak away to not help my father. "Ah da ta! You little Lucy comeback your gonna help me con todo esto!" He grinned because he knew that I hated working with him as he almost treated me like a slave.

Don't all parents treat there kids as slaves? Not really but some are horrible parents.
I don't think I can bribe or convince my dad to let me go Can I? Uuuuuuggggh- "Lucy help me please!" He flashed his famous smile and eyes "what?" I said getting off from my dozing "Can I have at least a friend over? I'll be bored most of the time so why not try to have have with someone else?" I tried to convince "Hhmmm, esta bien but make sure she isn't loco o se emociona fácilmente." He nodded and pointed towards the phone.

"Gracias papa!" I laughed and went to the phone and dialed the number I waited for the operator and the dial noise. "Hello?" A familiar squeaky voice sounded out "Hey Velma, I was wondering if ya wanted to come to a certain place?" I asked curling the cord around my fingers. "Well um, were exactly? A-and I gotta know where!?" She sounded nervous? But why nervous?

"Velma chill! You have to stop being nervous! You ain't gonna get a fine man if you nervous talk all the time!" I laughed into the phone "Its a well known  pub! Y'know Blue Fate? I'm in their and there is an event just say Roberto I voted you! You won't need to get id'd!" I filled her in all the info.

"Blue fate? That's expensive! I can't afford to go there!" She squeaked through the phone "Ugh don't worry about it I got it covered! And make sure to bring your camera." I smiled "oh fine. I guess I'll go in 20." She moved around "Perfect! Try to dress casual but fancy, and don't look dorky!" I furrowed my eyebrows "Okay, okay! See ya later Lucy." Velma hung the phone up

An hour passed and everyone started to get here. Luckily we had everything setup,I didn't really care about The famous people get here I only care that Velma got here in time. I wasn't really angry with her but I knew she was going to come late, she has a lot of reasons for coming late one of which I think it was her mom. Velma's mom isn't really overprotective but she does like to ask a lot of questions for well of course her child's safety. I don't think only Velma's mom does it I think everything a parent does well close enough to all parents my dad does it, my grandma does it.

I went up to Velma and said to her "Why do you always come late for everything, except for school?" She looked at me with a dumb expression, "I don't really find anything important really. I don't have time for anything to, it's not because my parents forced me to do things I don't want to, I want to do the things myself! I rather be smart than be wearing all these nice and expensive things when you don't even work hard for it" she tells me with a glee smile

As soon as my dad spoke to all the people at the meeting started,more like the party started everything became loud. I didn't Realize how many people were here. I walked around and heard 4 men talking, 3 out of which had multiple woman by their side. "Oh c'mon Johnny just get a bird and everything will be fun!"  The one who looked like he had fangs talked "Mhm. Plus you can snog her all ya want!" The one with the cute face said with an amused expression "Look Lads, I don't want to look for a bird I'm just not into anyone here they aren't my type." The Roman nose talked

"Hey Lucy wanna go to a shop? It's not that far from here." Velma pushed her glasses back "Mmm, yeah sure let's go." I got off the seat and walked towards the exit.

A/n: Lol I really think this was a sucky chapter and I also had been gone to a vacation for 3 weeks. It felt good af that explains why I'm so lazy to write lol anyways I don't expect for you all to like this.

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