A/n: lol guys i forgot to say the the prologue was based in 1964 it's 1965 now soooooo.

A blonde girl had run through the whole estate with people all around her "Hello Lana your fur coatis quite extravagant, fits your shape!" "Danny I haven't seen you in years! You grew so much for such a man your age." She greeted everyone left and right. It's all she had done, greet people, being nice to people, it's as if she made the life of the party. "Phew ya me canse! Hello boys may i sit ?" She muttered

"You can sit for the price of eight Guinness!" A man with brown eyes and a Roman nose joked "Esta bien! In pints or the actual cups?" I asked "Cups." They all said. After a couple of minutes 3 woman who looked like their girlfriends came they went away on the other side of the room and only left me and a man.

He smirks and asks me "Tell me something. How come a woman like you doesn't have a man? You're very beautiful for an ocean eyed person." He gave me a quick grin and dipped from the cup with all the calmness in the world "Now you tell me something why are you asking a underage girl this ?" I smirked and waited for his response he just wide eyed and started choking "Well your a girl, what can I say? I like your personality too." He smirked and winked at me I did the same back at him. "What would you do if a person painted on your walls?" He asked.

I thought he was daft for saying this but I immediately responded with " I think painting walls is boring, i'd prefer they scribble on them." His eyes looked like they looked at a golden treasure, his pupils dilated and eyes big. "Hmmm, very smart choice indeed how much is the scribbles for though?" He pretended to have glasses and push them to his nose

I scratched my head as if I were "thinking" "Well 300 pesos for this masterpieces something ye don't have!" I mocked him "What currency is that ?" He asked angrily confused "Mexican currency STOOPID!" I called him and stuck my tongue out like a child  getting annoyed. "Ugh you're such a school child" he groaned all fussy and stuff
"Hey no I'm not! I-I'm a mother!" I tried to reply back but failed miserably

UUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH HE IS SO STOOPID BUT NICE (really stoopid? Um it's spelled s-t-u-p-i-d not s-t-o-o-p-i-d Dumb bitch. wat. "Oh my god shut the fuck up!" I yelled Everyone looked at me even a blonde boy that was t supposed to be here looked at me. I awkwardly smiled and looked away. Oh my DIOSITO HELP ME ME VOY A MORIR!

The man at the counter just snickered "It's not funny!" I pulled his ear "Ouch! You fucking mother!" "Shut up estoopido!" I said stupidly scolding him like a child in trouble. "John mate get up! We're having a group picture!" Another man but shorter came over announcing about the event. He got up a followed the other man.

I just huffed and helped the next person.

"May I help you?" I asked a boy that looked around my age "Mmm. What's the best wine you have here? Something that is expensive." He had a mischievous look, he was blonde and blue eyed just like I was. I showed him all the wines and liquor we had. "What is your name?" He asked with an Italian accent "My name is María de la Luz Infante Almaraz, yes I know it's quite long but Mexicans like to exaggerate. Everybody calls me Lucy though." I shook his hand. We had similar accents but his was thicker much easier to notice, my accent was easy to notice to but sometimes I could hide it."I'm Vito, Vito Gagliardi" he plainly spoke

"We have similar accents! You are Mexican and I'm italian!" He smiled showing his pearly whites. He looked handsome but not my type. "It is isn't it? I guess mi nombre es fácil de pronunciar en italiano." I told him.he looked at me it's a confused face while putting his hand on his chin. "Oh sorry I said my name is easy to pronounce in Italian." I blushed being embarrassed. He looked at me with a face of satisfaction,

I kept on thinking about the man that was here earlier before he went with his clique of friends. All I knew was that his name was John and he was in a musical group. I put my hand and my cheek and dreamt of him. "Luzita! Ya se acabó la fiesta." Geez how long was I dreaming for? Everyone was going out the door, that's when I saw John going out the door and blew him a kiss and a wink. He pretended to "catch" it and winked back at me I giggled like stupid.

"Addio! Ciao!" Vito yelled I immediately looked away from John and waved to him and smiled just like he did with me. He was also attractive, and dreamy but I think John is better looking.

Yeet here ya go anotha one

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