"Im feel dead." Velma said with her eyes slowly closing as we were in the headmasters study. "So do I." My eyes were like hers except I forced them open, there were  more than 50 people in the room. It was hot and crammed in there, we were all in there like packed sardines trying to get next either to a fan or a window."Ladies open your eyes! The Academy has some very exciting for the four of you! You two are going to represent the International High school Sports Championships!" Everyone screamed in but I just internally groaned.

After that happened my dad came home and quickly left to work. That's all my father has done, go to work 24/7. "Oh! Papa lee esto es importante. I translated it to Spanish so you can understand everything! Adios te quiero!" I quickly said waving yellow slip around running to him in hurry. I kissed his cheek and said goodbye.

I sat my bum back to the sofa. "Miss Infante there is a parcel for you." The housekeeper Anne handed me a huge yet thin package it sort of looked like a record. A RECORD! "Anne! Where is this package from? Did the mailman say where?" I quickly shot up and yelled for her attention. She moved her petite frame around swiftly "Oh miss you scared me! It came from Perto Vayarta!" OH MY GOD! My cousins finally mailed back after a 3 days.

Geez. No sabe como pronunciar español? Pendeja. "Oh Puerto Vallarta, Thanks Anne!" I quickly opened it and indeed it was a record, it also had some sweets and three letters. The record was from one of the very famous people in Mexico, when go go music exploded over there. I quickly ran up my room and uncovered the record player, I lightly put the needle on it and music came out.

"No te quieres enterar...
que te quiero de verdad...
no te quieres enterar...
No te quieres enterar... ye ye
que te quiero de verdad... ye ye ye
y tendras que pedirme de rodillas
un poquito de amor...
pero no te lo daré ...ye ye"

I jumped around singing, I grabbed my bottle of lotion and used it as a microphone. I jumped on the bed and jumped and jumped until I fell off the bed. I quickly shot up and continued singing I opened me window and yelled the lyrics "porque tú no haces caso ni me aclaras
de mi pobre corazón
Buscate una chica una chica ye ye
que tenga mucho ritmo y que cante en inglés"

I opened my door and sang and went out with the lotion jumping all around. I laughed and sang until I bumped into a hard chest. "Oof!" I yelped "Hey! Wa- Oh! Lucy sorry." I heard the voice say I turned around to see John from the pub hugging me. "Perdón! I-i mean sorry. I forget I'm in a English speaking country sometimes." I awkwardly stuttered out

"I noticed you were talking Spanish and it didn't sound like it was from Spain, where's the accent from?" He asked I took a couple of second to reply because I noticed that I was a couple steps away from the house. "Hmm? Oh It's from Mexico, I was born Jalisco, Mexico in a city called Puerto Vallarta. It's a ocean city and has a jungle, it's super humid too! But I mostly go to another state since I have relatives over there but it's easier to go tot hat state which is called Zacatecas and I go to a small town name Jerez or Jerez de García Salinas, depending and what you call it." I said as we walked along the pathway of the houses.

"You must love that Country if you eyes sparkle and your face becomes more attractive." He looked at me with the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. "Oh I do. I feel more happy over there and free. Less filled with responsibilities even when I went to school over there I could go anywhere, everywhere. The people are much more happier and less wrinkly. But they for sure hard working, I would ride horses and race in bikes down the streets with friends and cousins." I smiled remembered my childhood

"It's basically where I grew up until I was 15, that's why my accent is thick." I explained and watched the cloud filled sky. "Well I don't really feel comfortable or welcome anywhere to be honest." He formed a thin line with his lips and his eyebrows furrowed. "Well every one will feel welcome one in a lifetime, you feel like people will welcome you anywhere or the city or country side feels warm and nice even in the winter, feeling like even if you were a hobo, you'd be happy." I inhaled the air of London " Your words flow out nicely." He stopped and smiled

"My mom used to say my words would flow out endlessly. But she said it was a good thing. People who talk of interesting but not boring or nerdy things are the ones who are most happiest." I smiled hiding the pain I felt from my heart. I guess he noticed something in my attitude because we kept walking without making a sound. "Are your parents divorced or did she abandon you?" He quietly asked looking down at the paved floor. I tensed up, I didn't feel uncomfortable or anything but I never expected that question. "W-why do you ask?" He kept walking while I walked slower than usual.

"You talk of her as if she were the past." He simply put it "Oh. I did?" I dumbly said striking him with my signature smile. He just smiled back showing his pearly whites. "What about you mother?She live back in your hometown?" I asked with a certainty of him saying yes but he just kept quiet. "Well she does and doesn't live in my hometown anymore in a way." He shrugged his shoulders with discomfort.

"You have any siblings? I Only have 2 siblings... well 3 actually but I don't know where she lives or who she is." He asked. John reached in his back pocket of his pants and pulled out his wallet. He showed me a picture of two girls, one taller than the other. He pointed to the one with curled hair and said "This one is Julia and the one next to her is Jackie. They actually are my half sisters, on my mums side. The two women are my mum and my aunt mi- Mimi!" I interrupted him. He looked at me with a confused face. "How do you know her? She lives all the way in Liverpool."

"I used to live in Liverpool, my dads business grew bigger so he figured since he already owned a part of the port why not move it to the city?" I answered "And sense my dad didn't want to give me an allowance I figured why not make my own money? So I went house to house and see if anybody needed help with something and your Aunt Mimi said she need a ton house work and well I helped her. She also said I was a person who like to do details so I kept on going and earning money, of course we formed a friendship with her so she treated me to chips and steak." I told him, he just looked at me with an amused face and I laughed at him.

"What!? What's so funny?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed and teasing a smile. "Your face the way you put it! It's just funny" I laughed showing my teeth off

A/n: I really feel like the chapter started off great and then it went to shit lol but hopefully you guys like it cause I'm in a road trip with no WiFi so I'm doing this for, well idk..

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