Profile Of Ranatio

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Appearance: white long hair, red eyes (one silver in past) white knee high boots, black knee high stockings, short (really short to thighs) black shorts, small school uniform jacket, black strapless shirt with small ruffles, wears a black choker with a diamond necklace, wears a piercing on her right ear, part of bangs covering one eye (the eye that used to be silver), SLIM THICC, Double D cup she is also a famous singer who dresses up like a punk boy or girl when performing

Likes: Her brothers, loves the Mukamis a little, being famous, playing darts, music, getting down and dirty~

Dislikes: Yui, Richter, Karl, her mother, school, her brothers yelling at her

Age: 14
Birthday: March 23
Name: Ranatio (Rah-not-o) Sakamaki
Height: 4'9
Weight: 104 lbs


Karlheinz: Father
Betrix: Step-mother
Cordelia: Mother
Christa: Step-mother

Shu: Older step-brother
Reiji: Older step-brother
Ayato:  Older brother
Kanato: Older brother
Laito: Older Brother
Subaru: Older step-brother


Little rose/ rose- Ayato
Doll-chan- Laito
Little puppeteer- Kanato
Little kitten- kou
Weakling- Subaru
Little slut- Shu
Precious moonlight- Azusa
Shorty- Ruki

Personalities: Sadistic, violent when angry, sometimes nice, flirty, a little slutty, a little bit of a competitive show off when it comes to Ayato, she can play the piano and speak French

Hobbies: Singing, dancing, drawing, looking at the full moon and Subaru's rose garden

Bio: When Ranatio was young she was always being ignored by her mother and her father was never around when things were serious. She would always be inside by her mother's rules to not be outside due to her weak body causing her to get ill easily. She would do ballet in her spare time since her mother used to like her dancing. Sometimes  when Cordelia isn't around, she would try to sneak out of the mansion to play with her older triplet brothers. When playing, Ranatio can't push herself too hard or her illnesses will start causing her to get high fevers. Her illness is why Cordelia ignores her, she didn't want a child that was born weak into a pure blood family. Cordelia would also beat her child saying she was never supposed to be born but Ranatio kept holding on. Although she wasn't there to help the triplets kill their mother for she knew her memories would come back and haunt her, she wished she could see the look on her mother's face when laying dead

She was also sexually abused by her own uncle making her into an even more broken spirit doll which Ayato witnessed and blames himself for not helping her and her semi broken mind but Ranatio feels bad for him saying that its isn't his fault

She was also sexually abused by her own uncle making her into an even more broken spirit doll which Ayato witnessed and blames himself for not helping her and her semi broken mind but Ranatio feels bad for him saying that its isn't his fault

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Young Ranatio

Older Ranatio

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Older Ranatio

Older Ranatio

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Her piercing

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