Chapter 1: The Bride Shows Up

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Yui pov

I got out of the limo which suddenly drove off as I stared in awe at the mansion in front of me. 'Why would father bring me here' I thought to myself as I slowly walked up to the mansion. I then felt something wet drop on my hand. I looked up and there was crash of thunder as it started to rain down hard. I quickly ran up to the door with my luggage with me and I knocked but no answered. As I was about to reach for the handle, the door opened and I softly gasped as I started to walk inside. I saw that nobody was behind the door as it started to close.

"Hello, anybody here" I said as I looked around to see a grand staircase and a large chandelier slowly swinging from side to side. I slowly started to walk until I saw a boy with red hair sleeping on a couch. "Excuse me" I said a little quiet as I walked closer to him and I gently touched his hand. "You're cold" I said shocked. I leaned my head on his chest but I couldn't hear anything. "He doesn't have a pulse"! I quickly grabbed my phone to call 911 when it was suddenly snatched away from me.

"Damn you're noisy" the guy said as he started to sit up. "This isn't you're house so keep it down" he said sternly. "Y-you're alive" I said in pure shock. "Why wouldn't I be alive, seriously you're dense, what do you think I am" he said back.  "But you're heart.... it wasn't beating at all" I said as I started to get up but before I knew it I was pinned down on the couch under him. "W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING" I yelled a little from fear. "What am I doing? More than you already know, I'm about to take you of course" he said as he started to lick my neck which I softly gasped at.

Ayato pov

I just smirked at her stupidity. As I was about to bite her, someone interrupted me.
"Ayato, what's all the commotion down here"
"'s Reiji" I mumbled to myself.
"Need I remind you this to take you're activities to your private room" he said looking calm.
"Oh whatever, you're such a buzzkill" I said getting off the girl.
"WILL YOU HELP ME PLEASE HELP ME" she said running over to him. Reiji looked at her a little annoyed. "And who might you be" he asked. "I'm Yui Komori, my father told me I was supposed to live here but I don't know why" she said. "Why wasn't I told about this" Reiji looked over at me. "Ayato, explain it to me at once" he said. "Huh how would I know anything about it, this is news to me to" I looked at him then the girl. " you never told me you're moving in with us pancake" I said.

"That's because you attack ed me out of no where and- hold on you said pancake, were you talking about me"? She asked sounding a little pissed. "Of course I was stupid seriously, if you ever noticed you're as flat as a pancake, god" I told her and she looked a little mad until Reiji spoke. "This is rather strange" he said holding his hand up to his chin. "I don't understand why I wasn't informed of this" he said still thinking. "Excuse me but who are you"? Pancake asked. "I don't think it's a good idea to talk about it here, please follow me" Reiji said as he started to walk away. "See that her luggage is taken care of" he said still walking away. Pancake looked behind her to see a butler take her luggage away and slowly faded into the shadows. I just looked at her and she looked at me a little shocked and then walked away as I heard thunder crash behind me.

I teleported to the living room sitting in an armchair leaning my head on my hand as pancake sat on the couch.
"Now, tell us about yourself and how you entered this house" Reiji said.
"Right, well, you see-" she was cut off by someone laughing. "Well, what do we have here~" pancake looked to where the voice was coming from. "Could it be that a cute human girl decided to pay us a visit? It was Laito. She looked confused as she saw him leaning against the railing at the top of the stairs giving her a small smirk. She was still caught up in the moment and didn't notice that laito teleported next to her and licked her cheek. "HUH" was all she said as she slightly moved away. "My, you smell so sweet and you taste delicious~" Laito said still smiling and she looked at him still confused.

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