Ch 18

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The next day at school no one really talks to me.

Except Logan of course.

But I feel all alone. Even my friends haven't said much.

What's up?

As I grab my calculator for math class, an arm swings around my neck, making me lose my balance a bit.

I turn to my left where the person who's arm belongs to and see Logan.

I should've known. "Logan? How'd you find out where my locker is?" I say and shut my locker door, putting my lock on it and twist my body so that I can look at him.

"Well, I put two and two together. Since your on Gold and in 7th, I fingered it be on this floor, in this hallway. And when I first came up the stairs, well your locker is directly i front of the stairs." he shrugs and nods.

I shrug too. "Oh, well then what'd you want? I mean I'm glad somebody is talking to me but..?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

My eyes sink into my head and I get nervous. "What?" I say, again sounding British, but nervousness appearing in my voice.

He sighs loudly. "Since your in 7th and I'm in 8th, people are all 'Oh my god! Ew!'"

"What? Why? Were just friends and I bet you there's about at least, at least! 10 or so people dating people that are younger or older than them! But were not even dating!"

"I know! I know. But, we just gotta shake it off, right?" he smirks and nudges me.

I smirk and nudge him back. "Ya, who cares what other people think right?"

"Ya." he nods.

"Wait, but then why is everybody encouraging me to date you that's on my bus?"

He shrugs and scratches his head. "Oh, I don't know."

I shrug again. "Ah, whatever. ill see you later."

"Ok!" he says and walks down the stairs to his floor.

I smile to myself and walk into my math class.

I sit behind Cole cause that's my assigned seat.

Like usual, when the teacher passes back papers to do and stuff, Cole decides to toy with me.

When I reach for the paper, he moves it.

He acts like I'm a cat and he has a cat toy.

But then when our science teacher made us play heads up 7 up, he picked me and when we had to choose somebody for some stupid new school thing, he chose me. And then in History, he always kicks my chair and stares. But he also stares at me in gym too.

So, I'm getting the impression that he likes me.

And I like his name, but he's kind of whatever to me.

My Best Friend LoganWhere stories live. Discover now