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**1st day of 8th grade for Olivia**

I walk in the 8th grade hallway already knowing where everything is because of Logan.

I have locker 234. But guess what. It's the same exact locker Logan had! Like really?

I put all my crap into the locker and walk to my homeroom. I have no one to mess around with before the bell. :(

I sit in my assigned seat.

I lean my head against my hand and sigh.

"What's wrong with you?" a kid to the seat across and to the left of me says.

I lift my head up. "Oh. Nothing." I lied. I sigh again.

"Ummmm. Okay. Im Matt." he says.

"Olivia." I fax a smile.

Then we all sit in silence for the rest of the time.

My next class is math and it sucked. I haven't made any friends. I'm all alone. All my other friends our on different teams which mean different hallway and everything! Not fair!

Then I have gym.

Since we're 8th graders and know how this all works we get right to it and play soccer. Of course, I can't play.

5 minutes throughout the game I get hit in the head really hard and knocked out.

I woke up in the nurses office.


I jump up from an ugly leather green uncomphy bed.

I scratch the back of my head confused.

The nurse jumps up from her chair behind a desk with a black Microsoft computer on it. She runs over to me and lays me back down. "No no no. You need to take it easy. You got hit pretty hard and fell onto some pretty hard wood floor." She says.

I sit back up. "No I feel better sitting up." I say.

"Oh, okay." she says. "You're just gonna stay here for the next two periods, ok?" she sits back down in her chair.

"Ok." I nod and smile. "Thank you."

She smiles and starts typing into a black keyboard.

I slowly lean my head against the wall and sigh.

"How's school been going beside your head?" she asks.

I sigh again. "School this year is the typical school year. No friends. Lonely." I shrug.

She faxs a smile and comes up and sits next to me. "Schools hard. I know. Last year, I heard about you. Everyone did. You were the talk of the school. How some lonely girl who barely had any friends who you were their only friend. Ya. And how then you made this one in particular friend and everybody was talking about you. Some people may have not been very nice. But you had stayed strong. And that's what makes me like you. You're strong. And I'm sorry you're friend is now in high school. I know what it feels to be alone. It's not fun. And that's why I'm telling you, whenever you want, I don't care how many times a day, just ask your teacher to come to my office and we can talk, ok?" she says and smiles.

"Ok" I say smiling and nodding. My first friend is the school nurse.

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