Ch 52

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I slam the car door and walk up to Logan's door.

I knock on it politely.

He opens it with a smile.

I smile back.

"Come on in!" he says and ushers me in.

He shuts the door behind me and puts his arm on my neck. "So." He says. "Summers off to a good start since we're already going over each other's house."

I nod. "Yep!" I say popping the P.

He nods and takes a sharp turn to go up the stairs.

Then he takes another sharp turn into his room.

He sits on his bed after closing his door and I sit in a chair across from his bed.

"You signing up for the high school football team?" I ask him.

"Ya. At least trying out."

I nod.

"Logan," I say taking a deep breath.


I let the big breath out. "Were worrying about if we're still gonna be connected this year since your moving school but, what about in like 4 years? What then?"

"I don't know." he sighs and gets off his bed walking towards me. He puts out his hand.

I grab it and he pulls me up, not letting go of me.

"But I think," he says as we're super close to each other holding out left hand. "That we shouldn't worry about what's to come. Because if you worry about what's going to happen in the future, you'll miss out on all the good stuff happening in the present. So I say, to just enjoy life as it comes. Don't be waiting for it."

I smile.

He puts his right hand that's not in my left and places it on my hip. "Like this good moment." he says and we start swaying back n forth together as we gaze into each others eyes.

We slow and suddenly were at a stop but in the same position.

I see him glance at my lips.

He slowly leans in.

Oh god.

Before I met him I dreamed of this happening but now that were best friends, no. I like our friendship.

Before his lips touch mine, I pull away letting our hands slowly stop touching and his hand slowly be removed from my waist.

He looks at me confused and a bit upset.

"I' sorry I just can't. Im sorry." I stutter. "I..I I don't want to just throw away our friendship. Frankly, I kind of like our friendship. We know we love each other. Just in the forever and always friend thing. I'm sorry Logan. I... I just like when were not together but we act like it. I don't know I just like how we are. Im sorry."

"No no no." he says and scratches his head. "I don't know what was going through my head. I guess I just got caught up in the moment. I... I... Im so sorry. I like our friendship too."

I can tell he was lying with the last part.

"I'm sorry." he whispers not frantic anymore.

I shrug and smile. "Because I love you." I say walking up to hug him. I wrap my arms around him and he wraps his around me. We stand there in silence.

My Best Friend LoganWhere stories live. Discover now