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The next day, Ten got up early, relieved it was Friday. Only one more day until the weekend.

He showered, got dressed in a navy blue sweatshirt, black jeans and converse, then he put on his mask and glasses, grabbing his backpack on the way out of his house.

He walked to school, planning on meeting Jimin in the parking lot as always.

They usually had a few minutes to hang out by his car before going to hell in that building.

But when Ten arrived, Jimin wasn't anywhere to be found. So Ten texted him

10: where r u?

chimchim: i can't come to school today srry

10: why not?

chimchim: family problems

10: oh okay. hope everything's okay

chimchim: thanks, see u later bro

10: okay

Ten put his phone in his pocket, worried.

Family problems with Jimin's family was more like his dad overdosed again and went to the hospital.

Ten look at his school, hesitating. He hated walking in there alone, he hated walking in there period.

He sighed, but finally went inside, getting a few stares and comments, but eventually he made it to his first class.

Ten played with the keychain on his bag while resting his chin on his desk, waiting for all the students to enter the classroom.

Somebody sat at the desk right beside Ten's but Ten didn't even bother to look.

"Your jeans are on inside out." The person said.

Ten's attention finally expanded and he looked to the person, his eyes widening when he saw it was Taeyong. He looked down.

Sure enough, his jeans were on inside out. He was so tired this morning, he hadn't even realized he zipped his jeans on the inside.

"O-oh" Ten stuttered, embarrassed. Though he was ready to take any harsh words Taeyong threw at him.

But Taeyong said nothing more, just looked to the front of the class.

Ten slowly looked away, his heart racing. The older made him nervous. Only because he was preparing for something meaner than what was happening right now.

Why wasn't Taeyong hurting him, physically or mentally?

He'd always avoided him, they've never known each other. Ten assumed Taeyong probably didn't even remember he just spoke to the boy that ran into him yesterday.

"Alrightt class, phones down, eyes on me." Mr. Kim said while closing the classroom door.

They ended up watching part of a Documentary on the eruption of Mount St. Helens, and Ten was practically falling asleep in his chair.

Suddenly, a hand placed a note on his desk. He looked down, then up the arm, landing his eyes on the corporate.


He gave him a note?

Ten's heartbeat slowly picked up as he opened the note.

why the mask

That's what the note read.

Ten stared at the words for several seconds. He was shocked Taeyong wasn't passing him death threats.

After several seconds, Ten pulled a pen out of his backpack and flipped the note around, replying.

i don't like people seeing me

Ten folded the note and quickly gave it back to Taeyong before getting caught.

Taeyong read the note and this time he looked directly at Ten.

Ten slowly looked back, still not knowing what was happening, or why Taeyong was even talking to him in the first place.

"Why?" Taeyong whispered. "Are you ugly?" He snorted, amused and Ten flinched a little. That was the Taeyong he heard about.

Ten just looked away, ignoring Taeyong.

Taeyong only laughed and looked back to the front of the class.

As soon as the bell rang 20 minutes later, Ten shot up, grabbing his bag and he left the classroom as fast as possible. Taeyong didn't talk to him for the rest of that class, and vice versa.

Taeyong watched that boy walk out of the room as quick as lightning. He knew it was the same kid that he ran into yesterday because of that stupid mask. Taeyong got up, putting his books in his bag and then he left the classroom.

He wasn't sure why he even was talking to him in the first place, there was just something about him.

Taeyong had to admit, his eyes told a lot. He tried not to care, but he was curious about the boy now.

"Ugh, he's just some nerd with appearance issues, what a freak" Taeyong reminded himself then left to go find Lucas.

Ten was drinking water from the fountain in the hall, his heart still pounding from what had happened back there. Taeyong had seemed like a normal person for a second until he added that rude comment.

When Ten stood back up he adjusted his glasses, clearing his throat a little.

Then he remembered his jeans were on inside out. He sighed and went to the bathroom, going in a stall and he turned his jeans inside out.

As he was leaving, the door flew open and smacked him directly in the face.

Ten gasped in pain, stumbling back and holding his hand to his nose when he felt blood drip down underneath the mask.

"Omo, omo I'm so sorry holy shit" a voice said laced with worry.

Ten looked up, seeing the boy who was with Taeyong yesterday. He knew they were best friends, and he was pretty sure his name was Lucas.

"It's okay..." Ten said, cringing a little.

"Are you sure?" Lucas asked, unable to tell Ten was bleeding.

"Yeah, yeah don't worry about it" Ten nodded while going around Lucas in a rush, not wanting the blood to seep through his mask, although it was black.

"...Okay...sorry" Lucas apologized again.

"Don't worry" Ten bowed then walked off, down the hall and he went to the other bathroom, locking the door and he took off his mask since he was alone, holding paper towel to his bleeding nose.

"Fuck." Ten sighed, his nose hurting.

He held that paper towel there for a little while, while thinking.

Why was somebody that sweet best friends with Taeyong?

The Boy in The Mask (Taeten)Where stories live. Discover now