Chapter 3

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I have provided pictures of each character as who I see them as. Who do you think each character should be, celebrity-wise?


       I am stuck at school waiting for my mom to get off work when a tiny little truck stops right in front of where I'm sitting. I look up to find Matthew and Kendell waving me to get into the vehicle, I politely shake my head no. 

"C'mon Cece, get in and I'll give you a ride home," Matthew says with an adorable smile on his face. There is no way I can refuse him, and I just met the guy. I shoot my mom a quick text that I am getting a ride from a friend and jump into the truck. His truck is actually quite nice. 

"How was the rest of your day?" it took me a minute to realize that Kendell was talking to me.

"Oh, it was great," I said in a very sarcastic voice. I see that Matthew raises his eyebrow obviously intrigued. "How great?" He questions. "Well, I skipped my last period," I said. Both of them looked at me wide-eyed," Why did you do that?" Kendell asks in a very surprised tone.

"I didn't really have a choice I suppose,"

"How?" Matthew asks

"I spit my water on this guy as he was walking in, I think his name is Ernest?" 

"Ernest?... Ernest Hayes, you mean?" Matthew seems tense.

"Yes, and he asked me to grab my stuff so that we could go look for some towels so that he could dry off." Now that I think about it, we never did find any and his clothes were completely dry after we walked around for a while. Why didn't he just go find a bathroom?

"That guy is trouble," Matthew says through his teeth.

"What has he done?" I asked

"Oh, he's just mad because you were with another guy and not h-," Kendell is cut off by her brother's hand over her mouth, which makes me laugh really hard.

  We finally arrive at my house and I see that my brother is home before I am. Out of all of the people on the planet, my brother Cole is definitely my favorite person. We have been through everything together from the separation of our parents, our dad leaving for Ireland, and even our stepdad walking out on us. 

"Hey sis, how was your first day of school?" He says as I enter the house. 

"It was great," I suppose he heard the sarcasm in my voice.

"What happened?"

"Oh, nothing,"

"Cecilia..." He says giving me a suspicious look.

"I'm just overwhelmed with homework, and I need to get it done before dance class," I lie.

"Okay..." He replies. I run upstairs and shut my door behind me as fast as I can. If my brother knew I was in a closet with a boy, let alone skipping class, who knows what he would say or do. I mentally tell myself to not mention it again. 

My phone buzzes, but I decide to ignore it. Then it buzzes again.. and again.


I give in..

I remember that Matthew had put his number into my phone, I guess he decided he would steal mine too. 

Matthew:  Hey

Matthew: Cece?

Matthew:  It's Matt :)

Me:   Hey Matt :)

Matthew:  What are you up to? Me and everyone else were thinking about going to the movies tonight, wanna come?

Me:  As much as I would like to, I have dance class tonight.

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