Chapter 4

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I'm am going to try to make my chapters as long as the last one, so try to be patient with me. :)


"So where do you live?" Ernest asks 

"I am the first house on the right off of Red Spring Road," I answer.

"Okay, cool."

He completely passes my street and I instantly freak out.

"What are you doing? You passed my street!" I shout.

"Can you chill out, kid? I was going to ask if you just wanted to ride around for a little bit, no need to freak out on me," He says.

"I'm not freaking out, and stop calling me kid! I'm almost sixteen years old, how dare you!" I continue to rant. He ignores me and continues to drive until we come to a complete stop.

"Wanna see where we are?" He asks.

I look out of the front window to see an incredible view of our little city, you could see everything from up here.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I nod in response to his question.

We both step out of his car and walk towards the edge of the cliff. Careful not to fall off, I sit down a little ways away from it. Ernest sits beside me and we both bask in the beauty of this amazing view. The scent of bbq and warm fall air fills my nose. My thoughts are clouded with summer memories that were spent at the public pool or at my aunt's house. I miss summer, it seemed to have slipped right out of my fingers. 

I glance over at Ernest to see that he is also looking at me.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"You could," he replies seriously. That same feeling I had when Matthew gave me the rose earlier comes flooding back. I look away from him.

"Tell me about yourself," He says tilting his head

"What do you want to know?"


"Well, I'm a dancer," His face lights up at my response.

"That's pretty cool, are you any good?" He jokes.

"I think so, I don't think I would waste my time if I didn't think I was good," We both laugh together. Just as laughter filled the air seconds ago, silence takes over and everything is suddenly quiet again. We sit there in a very oddly comfortable silence, then my phone starts to ring.

"I better get this," I say before answering my mothers call.

"Hello," I say.

"Hey, where are you?" My mother asks calmly.

"Dance is running pretty late, so I will be home as soon as I am done here," I lie.

"Okay, be careful, Love you," she says.

"You too."

I place my phone back on the ground and lay down on the soft, green grass.

"Should I take you home?" Ernest questions.

"We can take our time, can we leave around 9:50?"

"Sure, no problem," He lays back beside me and we continue our silent conversation.

Before I know it, I become incredibly tired and start to drift off a little. Ernest taps my shoulder before lifting me up into his arms and placing me into the passenger seat of his car. It takes a little bit for him to wake me up.

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