Chapter 6

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I eventually got everything that I needed to get done finished before the hour was over. I dreadfully walked to my last class of the day, contemplating whether to skip or not. I didn't know what I was going to say, let alone do when I saw Ernest next. 

I really wanted to take my time walking to class so I stopped at my unused locker and pulled out some of the accessories I wanted to place into the empty space. A picture of my brother and I was the very first thing I tapped to the locker. I had a few other things as well, including cutouts of my favorite bands and some books I had brought from home. I slowly close my locker and continue my walk to class. 

I see Ernest in the front table where I had set my things the day before. I decided to sit next to him so that maybe I could give him a chance to explain what I had seen earlier at lunch. 

"Hey there," he said in a deep voice.

"Hello," I said calmly trying to keep my composure, I haven't heard his voice like that since last night.

"How was your day?" I look over at him, "It was really great actually," I say.

"Really? That's good," I feel his hand rest gently on my thigh, as his sweet and innocent smile stays on his face. I don't want to move his hand because I love the way it feels when he softly rubs circles on it, but if he really does like me, don't I deserve an explanation?

"I have a question," I say and he looks confused, "Okay, what is it?"

"Who was that girl from lunch today?" I ask and he starts to laugh," Ashely? She's a girl I used to hook up with, she is the definition of a spoiled brat. I guess you walked away before I told her to get off of me," he says apologetically. 

I can feel my face turning red from embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I didn't see that."

He cocks his head to the side before flashing a forgiving smile, "It's okay beautiful."

My worried stomach goes back to that feeling of countless butterflies.

The teacher goes over the role and gets to my name, "Cecilia Aster, where were you yesterday during this period?" I look around as all eyes are now on me.

Ernest speaks for me, "We both left early yesterday, our parents called us out."

"If they called you out then it should be in the computer," she said placing her hands on her hips.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I was so sure that they told the office," he replied giving her a small smile.

"It's okay, I'm sure it was a misunderstanding Mr.Hayes," she said in defeat, continuing to take the rest of the attendance. I look over to Ernest, "Thank you," I say, "Anything for you," he replies.

I quickly remember the party that I had discussed earlier with my group, "Hey, are you going to that party tomorrow night?" I ask.

He turns and looks at me weirdly, "Well, yeah I am, are you?"

I nod.

"I didn't think you liked those types of things."

"I'm only going to see what it would be like."

"Cecilia, I don't think that's a good idea, there are bad people that hang out at places like that."

I know he's just trying to protect my innocents, but I don't need anyone to rescue me, "I am old enough to make my own decision's," I say, he shakes his head as his face becomes angry looking, "You're hardly even sixteen yet."

"What does that matter?" I ask trying to keep my voice down so that other people don't hear us.

"Nevermind, I guess I will see you then?" his face softens again, "Okay," I reply.

Class continues until the bell rings and we are dismissed, I grab my things and begin to walk out.

"Wait, Cecilia," Ernest says following after me, "I just wanted to say that I really like you and what you saw at lunch today meant nothing, I'm sorry you had to see that." His words made my heart stop, why is he bringing this up again.

"It's okay, it isn't a big deal. I'm not your girlfriend so it shouldn't matter to me," I said quietly looking down at our feet.

He lifts my head up by placing his thumb under my chin, "Someday when you're ready, I would like you to be," I can't detect a hint of amusement on his face, he must really be serious.

"I would like that," I smile up at him.

He leans down and places a kiss on my forehead, "Later, kid."

As I touch my forehead, I am once again, I am left to question what the hell just happened.


I decide to walk home from school so I that could clear my head a little.

Two guys that I just met want to be with me. Both of them are very sweet and caring, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I don't really want a boyfriend because I promised myself that I would focus on school this year, but I think God has other plans for me.

Before reaching my house, I stop at the local cafe down the street from the school. I order a mint chocolate chip milkshake and a plate of fries. I remember coming here with my brother almost every day when we were younger, things aren't the same as they used to be, but it's only because we are both always so busy with our life's.

After our stepfather left, mom had lost it; she went out almost every night and drank. We always were there for each other when we were forced to see her like that. He would always protect me from the things I feared the most.

My thoughts lead me to Matthew and Kendell, I wonder if they are as close as Cole and I. Have they been through the same things as us? I really hope not, I wouldn't wish that upon any set of siblings.

I gulp down the rest of my milkshake and take my fries to go, then I think about how sweet it would be if I got Cole a shake, so I order one before I leave.

The rest of the walk was short and peaceful. I'm thankful that I live in a good part of the neighborhood. I see that my mom's car is parking in the front before I enter the house.

"Hey sis," Cole says, "That for me?" I smile and hand him the cup filled with his favorite flavor of milkshake, he gladly takes it and sits down at the kitchen table.

"How was day number two?" he asks.

"So good actually, I finished all of my homework in my study hall today!"

He smiles at me, "That's great because I was thinking we could go get some dinner tonight, just me and you."

I can tell he sees how happy that sentence made me, "I would love to do that!"

I run towards him and he pulls me into a tight hug, "I just know how long it's been since we've really hung out, so I figured that we could tonight," he says thoughtfully.

"That's exactly what I needed," I say, loosening my grip and running upstairs to get ready.

"Be ready by 6:30!" I hear him yell at me.

I take a long hot shower while listening to some of my favorite songs. As I was in the middle of singing Best Friend by Rex Orange County, my phone buzzes. I dry one of my arms off so that I don't ruin my phone.

3:35 pm

Ernest: Hey! ;)

Me: Hello

Ernest: What does someone as pretty as you do around this time?

Me: I'm showering so that I can to dinner with my brother.

Ernest: Ah sweet, I guess I'll text you later then ;)

I set my phone down and continue to think about the kiss he planted on my forehead hours prior.

All Good Boys Go To HeavenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora