Chapter 5

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Here's #5!


Lunch rolls around way sooner than I would have liked, but I know that I am going to have to face Matthew sooner or later. I slowly make my way towards the cafe, but feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

11:32 am

Ernest: Hey kid

Me: I really need a nickname for you :p

Ernest: Just call me hayes ;)

Me: Okay... hayes. What are you up to?

Ernest: In the weight room right now, desperately waiting for our 7th period.

*picture of Ernest shirtless in front of a mirror*

I notice that my mouth is practically hitting the floor looking at his picture, but the text sent before it makes my butterfly-filled stomach flutter.

Me: Haha, nice pic. I have to go to lunch now.

Ernest: See ya later cutie. ;)

I playfully roll my eyes and put my phone back into my pocket before grabbing lunch. I'm really nervous to sit with the group while making my way over to see that Matthew isn't even there.

"Hey Cece!" Cami says waving at me.

"Hey, where's Matthew?" I ask them.

Kendell speaks up, "He is at home sick."

I silently calm myself down, thankful that he may not be totally avoiding me. I really didn't feel like facing him today anyway.

"So how about that movie last night?" Jax asks.

"Yeah I know, totally awesome right," Daytona replies excitedly, "What did you think Cecilia?" I hardly remember it, I was too busy focusing on Matthew's deathly stare and Ernest's whispers to notice anything else, but I just reply with a smile," It was really funny."

"All joking aside," Jax says, "What was up with Matthew last night?"

"What do you mean?" Kendell asks.

"Oh, nothing, your brother is just a big puss-," he's cut off by Daytona's hand over his mouth.

"He seemed really upset last night, that's all," Daytona answers Kendell's question.

"He seemed fine when he came home last night, I figured something good had gone on between him and Cecilia," Everyone looks to me," Don't look at me, he ignored me all night."

"She's right, Ernest showed up and that's when he started acting weird, I don't even think he watched the movie at all," Cami says.

It really bothers me that he is that mad over me talking to another guy; we are not dating and I just met him.

"I wish I knew what his problem was with that guy," Jax says," The world may never know," Daytona replied, everyone laughed, except me.

"What's wrong?" Cami asked me quietly.

"I just can't stop thinking about what could have happened between those two," I said nervously.

"I don't think it could have been that big of a deal, Matthew likes to hold grudges, so don't worry about it," she assured me.

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