Chapter 12

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Damon's P.O.V.

I’m in my truck and I’m doing 95 down the street  just down from my house. I’m so pissed right now. I can’t believe that she wanted it. Or maybe she didn’t want it but ended up liking it anyway. Fuck I hate her. I got my phone out to call Blake. Thankfully he picks up. “Hey man what’s happening?” He said. “I need you jto go to the hospital and sit with my sub. I need to get my head straight and clear it up. I have many issues right now and I feel like I need to murder her. But of course I won’t. I just fucking hate her so god damn much and I can’t stand being there right now or someone will die.” I rant on and the other side of the phone Blake sits there and listens then he asks the question that I don’t know how to answer. “What did she do that make you hate her so much? And answer me this were you planning on calling me or the guy that you bought her from? Also how much did you spend on her and what is she like? Oh also I’m not going there until you answer every question that I might have.” I huff out a breath and stop the truck on the side of the road. Figuring out what to tell him. “I spent 500,000 dollars on her. And yes I was going too call the guy that runs the auction house that I go to to get my girls but I didn’t and I don’t know why. And for why I hate her. Alex messed her up pretty bad, like a week in a coma bad bro. But I don’t know if she liked any of it. Honestly the only thing I know for sure about her and any part of her life is what her training consumed of And she is the most beautiful thing ever. As if I can swear that she is and angel. She has this unnatural red hair but you can tell that it is natural and not died and it is so long it just flows. And her eyes are like a crystal green but the shade of sunlight through a life in midsummer. And her lips are as if they are stained a dark pink and they are full and plump. And her voice id angelic and soft and an angels harmony.” I hear him laughing on the other end “Call me nuts but I think you hate her because everyone keeps getting her and you haven’t. that you have fallen for a woman that you don’t even know” I sit there and say nothing. Maybe he’s right I remember what the jackass at the auction house said about her being his. And it angered me. Then the day I get her Alex puts her in the hospital. And now the fucking doctor has had her, and I still haven’t. But I told her that we wouldn’t do anything until she was comfortable enough and can trust me. “Thanks” and I hang up and speed off to the hospital and hope I’m not too late to fix this. When I get there I go straight into her room and Jacob is sitting in the chair and he puts his finger to his mouth and walks over to me and motions his head over to the door so we can step outside. “She had barley fallen asleep when you came in. I stayed out here until she stopped since I couldn’t stand hearing or watching it. If it is okay with you,  I would like to be her personal body guard. I had already asked her, but she said that it wasn’t up to her, but to me. And I know that ultimately it is you who gets to decide. Also, one of us has to be in that room at all times. The doctor told me that he need privacy so he can look at all her wounds and so I stepped out. I can be in there with my back turned so nothing happens like this again.” He says and then is quiet. I started to think. “Yes, that is a good idea and I’m okay with that. And you can also be her personal body guard and since I know you are not seeing or are with anyone, you will need to fill in for me when I am not there. You are me when I am gone. Got it? Can you do that?” “Yes I can do that. I will let you go in there. I will go get some coffee and sleep.” I nod and walk as if I am a shadow moving on a wall. I sit in the chair and watch here. She looks so peaceful when she is asleep. We stay like that for a long time. And soon she stirs but falls back into a deep slumber. And soon I join her.

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