Chapter 20

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Jazmine's P.O.V.

I woke up and the window in my room let me know that it was dark outside. I'm starving and my mouth and thought is dry. It still kills me to move and I know I will get in trouble for eating without permission. But the pain in my stomach and the nausea is not from my injuries. Jacob is asleep in the chair beside the bed and he looks comfortable where he's at. So I sneak out if the room and start to find my way to the kitchen. At least this time I can walk there.  So i walk down the stairs and Into the dining room where I find the door to the kitchen. As I walk through the door I hit a wall and fall to the ground. But when I look at the wall I realize that the wall that I ran into was actually Master Damon. 

"I am so sorry master Damon." I say as I am praying that he doesn't hurt me.

"What are you doing darling? Why are you out of bed?" He questions.

"I was very thirsty and my stomach is eating its self. I came here to eat and get some water... I'm sorry I should have asked but sir Jacob was asleep and you weren't there. And I know I should have waited till I got told that I can eat I ju-" 

"Jazmine its more than fine. I understand and your not in trouble here, come on in here and I'll make you something to eat." He says and I question if it is a trick so he has a reason to punish me. "Come Jazmine I don't have all night." So I hurry and follow even if it results into a punishment.

I get into the kitchen and he has me sit at the bar. Just on the other side I can see all of his movements. The way that all of his muscles move as he reaches for pans and the food he needs to cook with. I didn't see the food he was grabbing or if he looked back at me. 

"If you  take a picture it lasts longer Jazmine. But I'm glad your attracted to me." he says. When I look back at his face I quickly look down. But not before I got a look at the shit eating cocky grin on his face. I looked at the marble bar trying to depict images in the designs of colors. Suddenly I get a whiff of deliciousness. It sends my mouth watering. Soon after there is a bowl set in front of me and it looks like spaghetti. 

"You can eat Jazmine. It's okay." So I pick up the fork and begin eating. The first bit sends me to heaven. Where did he learn to cook? I let out a moan of satisfaction. 

"I take it as the food is great?" He says as he starts to chuckle. I nod my head rationally. Which makes him laugh even more. I'm so glad I can kinda make him happy. 

Before I know it the food is gone. And I feel like my stomach is going to burst. "you should go to bed Jazmine. You have many things that you will need to do tomorrow. Jacob has all of the details and knows what I expect. And I know you can do all of the things that I have assigned to you easily. But don't forget that Jacob replaces me when I am away on business. I am going on a business trip for no more than a week maybe two. But I want you to know that I am wanting to be here more than being away. I will miss you greatly. And I am proud of you for eating all of your food baby girl." 

When he called me baby girl I beamed with glee. And it took everything in me not to jump up and give him a hug and a kiss. I do not know what happened to the Master that I had and that shown when I first gotten here. But I really like this side of him. The sweet caring and gentle side of him. Like the care taker that no one ever has anymore. 

"Yes Master Damon, I remember you telling me that. And I wont let you down. I will make sure to act just as well with sir Jacob as I were if it were you that was here." 

"That is my good girl." He said and smiled and it was the brightest and hottest smile I think I have ever seen. 

"Master, may I have a glass of water for when I go back to the room so I don't have to get up again?"

"Of course little one.  Here."  He hands me a tall glass of water and I head off back to bed with a stomach full of food and a glass of water in my hand. When I get back to the room I see that there is someone in the bathroom since the light was on and the door was closed. I go to the bed and set the water on the table beside it and get back under the covers. I wait for the person to come out only to realize that the person was Jacob. 

"Where were you Jazmine?"

"I was in the kitchen with Master Damon. He made me some food since I was starving and gave me the glass of water. He told me to remember that you are in place of him while he is on the business trip that would take anywhere from a week to two weeks. He also said that he gave you a list of tasks for me to do and that you know his expectations. "

"Oh I see. Well come on, lets get you tucked in and the lights off. You are still healing and should rest. I'm sure Damon said that you have a long day tomorrow and he is right."

What is with everyone and suddenly having a change of heart. It doesn't make sense. They were all assholes and not they are acting like I'm the fucking queen. I'm sure not going to say anything but it makes me feel like I am just getting set up to fail. I will ask Jacob about it in the morning.

And with that darkness engulfed me once more while I was dreaming of what made up life I could possibly have with the hot and wonderful Master Damon. 

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