Lucy's Second Chance

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Lucy grabbed Natsu's cold hand- she herself had quite the dramatic wound on her stomach- it had stained her white miniskirt and blue/gold top. She was somehow still sitting up which everyone who was conscious- unfortunately Wendy was one of the ones who was unconscious. Erza put her hand on Lucy's shoulder "We need to get you inside, Lucy." Lucy ignored her, even so, Lucy's hearing was ruined by the explosions that took place so Erza sounded muffled to her. Even if Lucy heard her she wouldn't have been able to move- if she moved... she would definitely pass out then die.

She stared at Natsu's body- the love of her life has vanished from her life- or what little of it remains. She doesn't want to accept death but she has too- if she is going to die she would rather do it in her own right. She leaned over- causing blood to spill from her stomach, she laid a kiss on Natsu's lips before passing out on top of him- slipping from the life she knew.

All Lucy saw was darkness, she felt herself falling and falling down a dark vortex until she finally landed gently on a golden grassy field. She felt no pain and her long hair was down to her hips and the outfit she was wearing was the one she wore when she first met Natsu- her hair was in the same hairstyle except it was just as long as it was before. Lucy slowly opened her eyes and couldn't help but smile when she saw her Fairy Tail mark. Is this what Future Lucy had felt? Lucy hadn't thought about her in a while but now that she was... um dead. they had died in very similar ways- and both of their Natsu's were completely dead.

"Lucy!" Lucy heard her name being called out by the very familiar voice of Natsu- she jerked her entire body around and there she saw Natsu and both of her parents standing behind him. "Natsu... Mom, Dad..." Her father walked up to her first "Hello, my sweet girl." He tried not to cry and then he pulled her into a hug and she hugged him back eagerly. "It's nice to see you again but... not in these circumstances... I see you again and I already have to say my goodbyes..." Lucy was shocked at the word goodbye- she had just gotten here! Why would she have to leave? "Dad, I-I don't understand... what do you mean by goodbye." Her Father backed away from her "You'll see soon. Lucy, I love you so much."

Her mother walked up to her, they looked so much alike. Lucy somehow had forgotten what she looked like so when she finally saw her mother for the first time since she was 7 it made her so happy that she started crying. "Mom..." she wrapped her arms around her mother and she gently hugged her back. Layla was so proud of her daughter and it pained her to say goodbye again but all she wanted was for her daughter to be alive. "Lucy... I love you so much. I'm proud of everything you've done and everything you will do- you have such a beautiful soul." Her mother somehow refrained from crying in front of her daughter. "Bye." Layla turned around and stood next to Jude. Natsu walked up to her "Lucy..." Lucy didn't wait for him to say anything else before jumping and wrapping her arms around his back. "Natsu!" She sniffled as Natsu hugged her as tightly as possible. "Lucy... I love you, y'know?" Lucy nodded while in his embrace. Lucy backed out a little and gave him a short kiss "I know, you dummy. I love you too." Natsu sighed sadly "I wished we could have been together longer but... once you go back... please find a way to love someone as you did for me- I want you to find love." He put her forehead against Lucy's "I don't want you holding your life back because of me." Lucy was confused at his words "but... Natsu? I don't have to leave you. What are you...?" Natsu laughed and wrapped his scarf around her neck, she adjusted it to go around her neck "Natsu, I don't get it..." Then Lucy heard a voice- it sounded like it came from a very old man- probably around Makarov's age. "Please come with me." Lucy turned around and she saw an old man with grey hair and a long beard to go with it. He wore red robes and a small golden piece held a bun on the top of his head in place. Lucy looked back at the others but they were already gone "Natsu... Mom...Dad..." The man put his hand on her back and led her away, from the spot.

He walked her through a pearly white gate that had an air elemental symbol engraved into the top of it. Lucy turned to him "Um. Sir?" The old man turned to look at her. "Yes, Child." Lucy bit her lip "Who are you and what exactly are we doing?" The man coughed as a way to excuse himself "yes. I'm sorry. My name is Roku. Lucy heartfilia-You have been one of the chosen to be given a second chance at life."
Lucy couldn't wrap her head around what he just said- she had died and now... She was going to be brought back to life? "what about Natsu...?" Roku sighed sadly"I'm sorry my dear child but he won't come back to life. You have a destiny you need to fulfill. His destiny was to die sacrificing himself and so his life is over with." Lucy wanted to cry but she remembered Natsu's words. She had too... If she didn't... Would Natsu forgive her? Even so, did she have a choice?
"Mr.Roku? Do I have a choice in the matter?" Roku shook his head no. "I'm afraid not, my child. Destiny is destiny." Lucy wanted to cry of sadness out of that revelation. She just wanted to be at peace with Natsu but at least she would have her friends. "Mr. Roku-" He interrupted her "Please call me Roku or Avatar Roku." Lucy nodded "Avatar Roku? I can see my friends again...?" Roku put his hand on her shoulder "Possibly- I know you'll see at least one of them again in this new world." Lucy didn't process what he said at first so she was very confused "What do you mean new world?" Roku turned around towards the gate "Lucy Heartfilia, in this new world- you may or may not remember this past life, and if you don't you can always jog the memories- maybe if a similar event happened it would be remembered. More to explain in this world- instead of magic you'll have bending- you'll need to learn each one with the avatar, You'll find out who he is because when you meet him you will imediatly feel a spiritual connection- so please befriend him. You'll be the only two who can bend all four elements to your will, once you learn. You probably won't remember this part but you will be seeing me soon." Lucy processed all the information- she had given up on fighting the fact that she couldn't stay. "What would happen if I didn't?" She asked. Roku smiled sadly "Then the world would have a significantly less chance at surviving."
Lucy still didn't want to do this but she couldn't let all those people get hurt. "alright. Send me there. My only request is that i keep my fairy tail mark." Roku smiled "you need that so they can identify you."
Roku gently pushed her through the doorway- she felt nothing for a second then she started feeling water surround her and she felt wet she flailed around as waves and currents tossed and turned her violently in the water, she hit something metal which sent her back- she heard yelling and the rumbling of some sort of engine.
She looked at the sky as she floated in the water, her vision becoming blurry as she heard voices yelling around- the last of her memory slipping away leaving only the name 'Fairy Tail'

The Other Avatar: Fairy Tail x Avatar (ATLA)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя