We're your family now...

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I'm back! muhahahah! and you get this chapter! Muhahahaha
There then was a whole bunch of chattering going on. Katara seemed to be scanning Lucy with a curious look on her face. "Lucy, I've never seen someone with your hair color before. It makes me wonder what nation you were from originally." Katara wondered out loud whilst Lucy looked confused. "Oh right, my hair... is blonde." she lifted up a couple of strands of her hair and examined the golden color. Lucy looked at her hair "Right... maybe I'm from an entirely different planet or something."
She knew Katara didn't mean anything by it, but Zuko or Iroh never mentioned anything about her hair. The one time she brought it up they immediately wrote it off and said they just 'didn't care.' and it made her happy. She hated to admit it but she already missed them both, so much. The yelling and the constant 'tea parties' she had with Iroh were such fun and became so routine...

Katara frowned "I'm sorry if I offended you. I actually think your hair color is quite beautiful." Katara complimented. Lucy smiled lightly "Oh, thank you." 

That is until Aang heard a little noise and promptly turned around towards it, he saw a lemur, when Sokka turned around he saw food. When Katara turned around she knew what was going to happen, When Lucy turned around she saw something familiar.
She saw Aang smile.

"A LEMUR!" Aang said excitedly

"MEAT!" Sokka said with drool dribbling from his mouth

"Sokka, Aang!" Katara sighed at them.

"Happy...?" she ran after them seeking something completely different.

"Lucy, not you too!" Katara sighed heavily "Am I the only normal one..." she mumbled as she watched them run off, then chuckling to herself as she turned around and continued searching through the various statues.

Lucy chased after them- she was actually pretty fast, she must have run a quite a bit before all of this. She froze when she saw the lemur sitting on top of a white egg with a blue flame design on it.
Sokka smirked wildly, life coming into his eyes as he shouted "FOOD!" at the top of his lungs. Lucy put her foot out and tripped him where he rolled several times before crashing next to the egg. 

She got on her knees and scooted closer to the egg and then pat it, it cracked and what came out of it was a baby cat, it was bright blue and it had wings... "That egg has been here forever and you somehow got it to hatch! That egg washed up on shore and had the blue flames symbol on it! I guess it was meant to be yours!" he said enthusiastically, temporarily forgetting the lemur.

"Is that a bird-cat?" Aang suggested, Lucy shook her head as she picked it up and cradled it in her arms, it let out a small meow. "...It's a... tomcat...."
she smiled "I feel like I know him..." she smiled "I'll keep him... His name is-" a name stood out to her among the rest for some reason it was all she could think about when looking at the baby cat.

 "Happy, his name will be Happy." she smiled at the creature, she had no idea why or how the name came to her.

Sokka started laughing "Happy!? that is such a stupid name." Lucy glared at him and he kept laughing- she lifted her hand karate chopped him on top of his head, he was a jerk sometimes. Aang laughed "It's a great name, I- COME BACK HERE PLEASE!" he chased after the Lemur that had suddenly run away while it thought they were distracted enough.
Lucy tucked the kitty into her arms and sprinted after Aang, in which Sokka took chase soon after. The kitty let out meowing sounds as she ran after them so she slowed down so that it didn't get too scared.

It took a while to catch up since she was carrying a weird, but the cute, blue-winged cat in her arms. She stopped in place when she heard Aang crying... Sokka ran past her "Hey I was just kidding, I'm not going to just-"
Both Sokka and Lucy gasped in horror when they laid eyes upon the skeletons that were laid out all along with the room, the sunlight seemed particularly cruel to shine on the main skeleton with a pendant hanging from its neck- having the air symbol engraved into it.
Sokka didn't hesitate to put his hand on Aangs' shoulder and spoke in a calm, low tone "Aang... let's go..."

 Sokka tried to get through to his newfound friend, he had no idea how Aang felt but he knew that Aang wouldn't react lightly to this. Lucy knew this attempt of Sokka's wouldn't work. she winced as she felt a little pang and she looked at the symbol on her hand which started pulsing, brief flashes of her own symbols but in different colors and on different parts of the body flashed in her mind and the brief smile of a man she recognized but also didn't. When she blinked everything was normal except. "Oh no..." lucy muttered with a horrified and worried look. Sokka was confused until he saw Aang turn around.

His eyes were whited out and were also glowing an immensely bright blue, his arrow tattoos we're glowing the same shade of blue, Lucy stared at him, her eyes were wide. Needless to say, it was in absolute shock as the wind started picking up and was starting to blow everyone away. "Aang!!!"
Lucy grabbed Sokka's shirt so he didn't fly off the mountain and used her airbending to get closer to Aang, and it worked- but temporarily.
"Aang! Please calm down!!! I know it must be terrible, feeling this way!" she tried.
Katara who had appeared just in the nick of time started walking towards him. "Aang! Lucy, Sokka, and I- we're your family now!!! Appa too! We need you Aang, so, please! Come back to us!!"

Aang started lowering to the ground, Katara approached first and the other two followed, Sokka spoke: "We promise not to let anything happen to you."
Aang landed on his feet "I'm sorry..."

Lucy sighed contently "Aang, it's okay... If I were in your shoes, I most likely would have ended up in the same boat." she reassured him, a gentle smile replacing the worried look. "Why don't we keep going, we have many places we need to go before we can get you and Katara a water bending teacher." she put her hand on hid shoulder for a quick reassurance and then backed off.

Aang walked along as Momo hopped onto his shoulder and sat there, Aang looked towards Momo with a smile and back at the others. "I'm lucky that I met you guys..." he smiled to himself. Lucy smiled "me too."
Sokka chuckled "You'd both be Fire Nations prisoners if it weren't for us!" Sokka boasted while Katara rolled her eyes. Lucy smiled "Right, prisoners." she tried telling herself despite really thinking 'it didn't feel like a prison.' Lucy tightened her grip on happy who let out a very cute meow as it nuzzled into her. 'thanks.' she thought.

Momo flew off for a moment and dropped a whole bunch of fruit on top of Sokka's head "OW! stupid le- FOOOD!!!!" he shouted and immediately scooped up all of the fruit and started munching on it. Katara smiled "Seems Momo likes you after all." she joked. Lucy laughed as the cat started shifting and turning in her arms. 

Aang looked at Momo and then at Appa "We're all that's left of this place... we need to live that like and honor. We need to keep the legacy." he smiled as he jumped on Appa. Sokka, Lucy, and Katara all maneuvered their way up onto Appa's saddle.

Aang couldn't help but gaze at his forgotten home as it disappeared into the clouds, a sad look of longing on his face. Lucy looked on as well, knowing that she no longer had an airbending teacher. 

The gang flew into the clouds, who knows where they'll go next.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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