the southern Air Temple

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Lucy slowly opened her eyes, she felt the wind gently blowing her face and she knew she was flying from the fact that the sky was constantly moving. She slowly sat up to find a happy Aang, a smiling Katara, and a very skeptical looking Sokka. "Um, H-Hi?" She tried. Aang smiled "You're Awake!"Katara approached me "I'm Katara, and that's Sokka." she gestured to Sokka who was leaning against the saddle. "I'm Lucy," she responded, saying her name. Katara smiled "It's nice to meet you, according to Aang you're the celestial and you helped him out- so I'm guessing you're coming with us?" Lucy nodded as she adjusted herself in the seat "I have too, but I need to master Airbending first." Aang smiled "I can teach you! Or even better we can go to the Air Temple and you can learn there!" Katara frowned "Aang, you can't get your hopes up, It's been a 100 years." Aang frowned "well, I managed to stay alive for 100 years and Lucy is still here despite also being able to bend air." Katara nodded "alright... anyway, how'd you end up on the fire nation ship, Lucy?" Lucy bit her lip "Well, They rescued me from the water- they were so good to me and I was just shocked when I saw what they almost did to your village and what they did to Aang." She frowned "Oh, they didn't know you were celestial?"Lucy shook her head "No, only Iroh knew- he didn't tell anyone." Sokka rolled his eyes "They were probably lying to you so you wouldn't run away."

 Lucy scoffed "Where would I run? there's no way they'd do that..." She muttered the last bit. Katara sent Sokka a glare, in which he rolled his eyes and turned "Don't mind him, he has trouble trusting people and we did find you on a fire-nation ship." Katara pointed out. Lucy sighed "Yea, to be honest, I lost the memory of a lot of things so I didn't even completely realize that the fire-nation was bad." Katara nodded "well maybe they aren't all that bad- some of them." Lucy nodded "right- um I guess we should head to this air temple?" Aang nodded with a smile "Yea! Oh man- I haven't cleaned my room in a hundred years... not looking forward to that mess." Lucy frowned, she could tell Aang was one for looking on the bright side but from what Lucy knew, 100 years really is a long time- and to her knowledge, Aang is alive by a miracle.

Some time had passed when the Air Temple came in view. "wow, looks rather nice." Lucy said with a monotone voice. Katara nodded "looks really cool, this really where you live Aang?" Aang nodded "yep!" Sokka was currently in a sleeping bag taking a nap "Wake up Sokka!" Sokka mumbled something in his sleep. "Aang, I got this." Lucy gently took his staff and started running it up and down the sleeping bag "Sokka there's a snake in your sleeping bag!!" Sokka shrieked and started hopping around in his sleeping bag "You're awake! Great now let's get ready to land!" Sokka mumbled as his stomach growled loudly "ugh..." he checked his bag "hey wait a minute.... Where is my seal jerky!?" Aang looked to him "Is that what it was? I used it to start the fire." Sokka gasped and he sniffed the bag "No wonder the flames smelled so good..." He whined. Lucy sighed "Look, the air temple is right there, we can find some food when we land, okay?" As she said this Appa landed on the air temple grounds "let's hope so." Sokka said after his belly rumbled.
Aang jumped off "everything's here! Even the airball arena!"Katara looked impressed "Wow! We're the first waterbenders in a long time to even see an air temple!" Aang was being quiet. Lucy walked up to him "is something wrong Aang?" Aang opened his mouth to speak "This place was so full of life but now it's nothing but dust and weeds." Lucy looked at the other two and then Sokka walked up with a smile "so what's this airball game you were talking about?" Aang suddenly smirked going off with Sokka to play the game.
Lucy smiled fondly... She suddenly felt the mark on her hand pulsing- Katara put her hand on Lucy's shoulder "you okay?" Lucy nodded "I have to A check something- stay here." Lucy walked away from the group and headed into the temple, following where the mark pulsated most- which led her to a door with the air bending symbol "is this where my mark was leading me...?"
She ran her hand over the door in a curious manner. "huh..." she backed away and started making air in her hands she tried blowing the door open with her limited airbending skills but it only half-opened. She sighed sadly at the fact that she couldn't open it by herself. Aang ran in "there you are Lucy, we got worried!" Lucy tensed up "oh sorry. I felt my instincts drag me here." Aang smiled "this is the avatar room!" he introduced proudly as Katara and Sokka entered shortly after. Aang smiled at all of them." would you guys like to see it?" he asked the three. Katara smiled "sounds neat!" Lucy nodded.
" I see you already tried opening it?" Lucy nodded "Yeah... I'm sorry."
Aang gave out a small chuckle "It's alright! I'd be curious if I didn't know either." He stuck both of his hands out in fists then air burst into the open pipes attached to the door, completely opening it.
Inside was an array of statues that resembled different avatars of the past, reaching so far up that you could barely make out the ceiling.


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