I'll see you soon.

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Lucy slowly opened her eyes, she felt oddly cozy despite the wetness of her hair clinging to her face she also felt warm and dry. She couldn't remember much, just that her name was Lucy Heartfilia, that she was somewhere around 15 years old, and the Words 'Fairy Tail'

She sat up and she looked around her to find herself in an iron looking room, with a symbol of a small flame in black on a red flag. She found herself wearing a jacket type thing(Natsus) that was black, rimmed with gold, and underneath she was wearing an orange skirt and shirt with black leggings but she had no shoes- the clothes were damp so she could only assume that's what she was wearing in the water, she saw a pair of boots sitting along the bed- she put her feet down on the cold metal floor, the crackling of the fireplace was the only sound in the room.
She quietly picked up her moist boots and quickly slipped them on. She saw a brush laid out on the nightstand next to a white bow- she thought that it must have been hers since it was damp and brought along memories, so she grabbed the brush and used it to detangle her mess of which she called hair and attached. She had no idea what she was doing or where she was but she needed to find out and be as prepared as possible. She decided she needed to explore every nook and cranny in the room first, just in case there was something she needed to worry about- alas there wasn't anything suspicious.

She opened the door as it let out a metal creaking sound- she stepped into the hallway- she didn't like the fact she couldn't remember anything, what could these people have done to her memory...? maybe they didn't do anything. Either way, she needed to approach them with absolute caution. She started walking up the stairs and then a guard wearing a mask that resembled that of a skeleton blocked her path "She's awake!" the guard shouted- This made Lucy internally freak out as she bolted the opposite direction of the guard- she heard his footsteps run after her- "I seem pretty fit and fast..." She hadn't known why but those years at fairy tail really boosted all of her strengths and she developed some abs too.
She kept running- until she found an inconspicuous ladder and then she slowly started climbing up, she gripped the bars of the ladder and as soon as she reached the top,  a guy clad in red and black armor grabbed her wrist- she used her free hand to deliver a hefty punch to the face then when he let her go due to the pain he felt, she ended up falling to the ground, rather hard.
She didn't have much time to recover as the same man she punched sent fire down towards her it singed the hair on her forearm and it sent her rolling onto the ground, she saw him trying to climb down so she quickly kicked the ladder from under the guy, he let out a yell as he thudded against the ground and rolled over, she used her hands to scramble back on  to her feet and she kept running as fast as she could

She skidded to a stop when she saw a guy- probably 15- in the hall. He didn't have a creepy mask on and there was a kind-looking old man right behind him. Lucy ran and hid behind them- specifically behind the guy her age- he looked confused "What...?" he looked at the guards then back at Lucy '"Did you attack her whilst I told you to only watch her?"

The guards nodded "Yes sir." The old man stepped up "You do realize that if you kept attacking her she would have become our enemy? We may have questions for her but we don't know anything yet. Come on, child." Lucy nodded and left from the safety of the guy with the scar- he seemed annoyed.

They shared eye contact for a moment but he jerked his head away. Lucy turned towards the old man and continued following him. He led her into a small room with a table and a candle on them, he took a seat at one end and gestured for her to sit in the other seat. Lucy did so and sat across from him- she was nervously scratching the strange mark on her hand as she waited to hear from him. "So child, what is your name?" Lucy didn't remember much but she knew her name. "It's... Lucy." The elder man nodded as he pulled two teacups from his sleeve and took a teapot from who knows where and he poured two cups of tea and he slid one towards her "My name is Iroh, please feel free to drink some or pour some more." Lucy nodded and took a small sip of tea- it tasted good especially for how hot it was outside, though it did kind of burn her tongue- Iroh looked at her marked hand as she set down the drink."Can I ask why you were in that water?"

The Other Avatar: Fairy Tail x Avatar (ATLA)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant