Ch//61 Happier

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Ringing, lights, flashing, on a repeat loop. It's like my vision was impaired because I constantly kept trying to open my eyes, but nothing was there.

"Am I dreaming?"

"Hey look, she's waking up"

Where am I? And who is that. I couldn't see a thing, everything was black. What if I am dreaming, and I'm thinking I'm going to get saved..but not really.


Where are these people? Why can't I see them? Maybe something is covering my eyes? "Why isn't she saying anything?"

There it was again. Why couldn't I recognize their voices?! "Maybe she's not really up"

"Her eyes are open dumbass" that, that was Brynn. I'd recognize her voice from anywhere. But who were the others? "Kenzie..can you hear me?" I heard footsteps coming in the room. "What are you guys doing?"

"Kenzie, she's up. But I don't think she's responding"

"Move. Her vision hasn't come back yet. We have to wait at least 5 more minutes"

"Oh, makes more sense. But, can she hear us?"

"Kenzie, nod your head if you can hear us" and so I did. They all started screaming with joy. I didn't know why though, I mean..yeah I was okay. But it wasn't necessary for them to get that excited.

"He's here, finally"

"What took you so long?!"

"Doesn't matter. Where's my girl?" It was Johnny, just hearing him say that made me want to get up and hug him. But...I have no idea where he is.

"Right here" I heard feet shuffling, then someone took my hand. "We'll let you two be alone" I heard more shuffling, guess that meant they were leaving.

"Hey baby. I know you can't see me, but I'm here. With you...I'm so sorry this happened" I could see light. Finally! I was getting my vision back. I blinked my eyes, trying to get them to adjust faster.

I was at home. Thank God, and not in some crusty hospital room. I've had my fair share with those.

I turned my head, and there he was. Right by my side. "Johnny.." He looked up from the ground and smiled. "Hey Kenz" I smiled. He looked so happy, so light. I've never seen him like this. "You look good, do you feel okay?"

"Yeah, I feel fine. Just some ringing in my ears, but that's all" he put his hand on my cheek, but kept smiling. "Who did this to you?" I knew that if I told him, that smile would disappear. I didn't want that for him, it's like he's been carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, so he really hasn't had time to be..happy.

"If I tell you, your going to get mad"

"I was already mad when I found out about you"

"I want to keep seeing you smile. I don't want to take that away from you"

"Listen to me Kenz, I'll still be happy after you tell me. Nothing will take away the feeling of seeing that my girl is okay" I smiled and took his hand. "It..was Nadia" he blinked really fast. Looked like he was about to say something, then choked on the words.

" okay?" His eyes went soft as they turned back to me. I knew what he was feeling, he was mad, but he wasn't going to show me. "I'm going to kill her" he got up from the chair and I pulled him back down.

"Johnny, no. It's not worth it. She won't stop if I keep it going. She's just going to keep coming after me"

"But why? That doesn't make any sense, you did nothing to her"

"She...she thinks I stole you from her. And now she wants my blood. But I'm not going to play her little games"

"Kenz, I could have handled it. You wouldn't be in this situation right now"

"Look Johnny, I know you care for me. And I know you want to be there for me. But I told you, I can fight my own battles"

"But you shouldn't have to do it alone"

"It's fine, I won't be doing it for a long time anyways" he looked at me with concerned eyes. "I got suspended, for five days after the trip"

"No, Kenzie. This shouldn't be happening to you"

"John, it's fine. I promise, I'm going to be fine" he bit his bottom lip. "But baby—" I pulled him down to kiss me. He needs to stop being so worried all the time. It's going to kill him one day.

"Woah woah woah! Not on my couch!" We both looked over to where my sister was staring gracefully in the doorway to the living room. Johnny laughed as Brynn, Hayden, and Annie came into the room.

"Kenzie!" Brynn ran over to me and hugged me tightly. I was being crushed by the weight and her squeezing me. "Can't..breathe" Johnny saw as I tried to tap him to get Brynn to let go. "Brynn, your crushing her" she got off and sat next to me on the couch.

"Oh, I'm sorry"

"It's okay Brynn. I'm happy to see you too" everyone smiled and came in for a group hug.

Where was Mommy Mel? I would like to know the same thing.


Everyone was leaving the house except Johnny. I knew Mommy Mel wouldn't like it if he was here, due to certain actions in the past, so I kept trying to get him to leave but he wouldn't move.

Maddie was in the room with us. "Where's mom?"

"I have no idea. All she told me was that she would be back later. She wouldn't even answer my calls when I tried to call her about you"

"Oh" I turned my head to Johnny. I pulled him with me and sat on the stairs. "You can go home Johnny, you know that right?"

"But what if I don't want to"

"Johnny. Please, I don't want to keep you up" he bit his bottom lip. "You know, you look good with no clothes on" I covered his mouth and started whispering. "Shut up. My sister could hear you"

"So what? Like she's never had sex before"

"It's not that. have to go. I'm sure your parents are worried"

"Their probably not. Never have worried about me, why start now" I looked at his soft eyes as he put his head down. Maybe he has a harder life than me. And I'm always putting my problems on him to deal with, that's so unfair.

"Why do you let me put all my problems on you like that? You obviously have some too"

"I want to help you. I like helping you. My problems don't need to be dealt with, it's fine"

"Then tell me at least one of your problems" he got up from stairs and started towards the door. "You know, I think I should get going" I laughed as he bumped into the wall while walking backwards.

"Whatever. See you later Orlando"

"I love you baby" he said right before he closed our door.

I stepped off the stairs to see Maddie looking disgusted. "Ew, you guys love each other" I laughed and so did she. "Oh my gosh Maddie" we laughed continuously.

I am really hoping this trip is good. Everything has been so bad lately, I need something happy right now.

✔︎|𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐒*𝐉𝐄𝐍𝐙𝐈𝐄Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant