Day 3

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"Damn not again." Marie had already had enough of waking up on random pieces of furniture, and this was only her second time.

She wasn't back at her own house, so she knew for sure she hadn't traveled back to 2023.

Marie made her way into another area of the mysterious location. This one appeared to be a kitchen. There wasn't much in it, the fridge was ninety nine percent booze. Nice.

There was a clock in the kitchen too. It read 12:00pm. Marie hadn't slept that long in years. Collage was for sure kicking her ass, it was to her blessing that she was almost done.

"Awake already?" She hadn't thought for a second that she'd been alone in the apartment, but her memories of last night were slightly faded, and she wasn't even drinking.

"12:00pm is considered sleeping in for me Bon. I've been told I'm quite the early bird."

"You've always gotten up in the middle of the damn night?"

Marie rolled her eyes. "I guess so." Marie paused for a moment. "How do you feel not waking up with a hangover for the first time in god knows how long?"

"Well it's definitely different. You know even if I did drink last night nothing would've happened to me. You don't ever have to worry about me. I'm pretty tough. I've survived a near death experience on a motorcycle."

"Yeah I know. Then your wife at the time said it altered the sound of your voice a bit, made it sound like more of a rockers."

"Jeez you know a lot."

"I told you. I'm kind of a super fan."

"You seem kinda psychic. Last night you were acting as if something was gonna happen to me."


"It's kinda cute though I have to admit it."

Marie raised her eyebrows. "Really?"

"Guessin' you don't like that word."

"You don't really call anything a rocker girl does 'cute' per say. You should know that Bon."

"Okay fine."

"I'll call you later. I've gotta meet with someone stay out of trouble, yeah?"

Bon nodded and watched the girl leave.

"Good work on your mission so far, but I wasn't exactly happy that you two had kissed last night. Sober none the less. So what's your explanation?" Eva tapped her fingernails on the table.

Marie sighed. "It was just us getting caught up in the moment. It didn't mean anything, I'm sure he forgot all about it."

"I doubt he did, but maybe. Now even if the event did leave his memory, does it still rest in yours?"

"I have a very good memory, so yes. I can remember things as far back as two years old."

"You're straying away from the topic, Marie."

"Right. Sorry Eva."

"He seems to like you. He'll listen to you. The only one who seems to get through to him is you Marie. You're special."

"I'm not special. I'm just a women."

"Not in his eyes."


"I know things Marie. I for one, am not 'just' a women."

"That's true."

"So Bon let me get this straight. You met a women two days ago, you think you're in love with, on top of that you think she's physic?" Malcolm tried to reason with his friend, however it was evident that he wasn't getting anywhere.

"It's just the way she acts. The things she says. She always seems like there's something on her mind. Like she knows something."

"If there's something on her mind I'm sure she'll tell you when she's ready."

"Yeah. Thanks Malcolm."


"You had fun last night I presume?" Marie's father greeted her as she entered the house.

"Yeah. It was really cool. Can't remember the last time I had that much fun." Marie threw her leather jacket on the couch and sat down.

"You got home pretty late last night."

"Yeah I definitely pulled an all nighter."

"Beside the point."

"Yeah I guess its not something to parade around like it was at childhood sleepovers."

"Why out so late?"



"Dad chill out nothing even happened. Plus I'm on this mission remember? There's no way I can help Bon stay away from drugs and drinking if I'm not with him when those substances are plentiful."

"And he didn't do any of that last night?"

"Nope. Made sure he didn't go near any of it."

"That's good of you. But he's gotta wanna change, you can't force it."

"Yeah I know. That's what makes it hard. The last thing Bon wants in his life is someone telling him what and what not to do. He's my friend after all, and besides I know what's best anyways. This fairytale doesn't have a happy ending."

"You've got the pen now."

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