Chapter 20

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I hold Loki tightly against me as Heimdall opens the cell. He smiles weakly "Thor, it's less than a year. It's like ten months!"

I nod, before kissing his forehead "I'll see you soon. Be good!" As he steps out of our cell, the whole cell block starts cheering, as they do, everytime a prisoner is being released.


"What are you doing back?" I ask as I walk up to the visiting table. Loki and Hela sit on the opposite side from me "I thought you'd be at Taco Bell!"

Loki smiles "In about an hour." he declares, before looking to Hela "Hela was kind enough to do some research in London. She found my mum."

"Really?" I ask and he nods "Well, are you going to go talk to her?" he takes in a large breath, before shaking his head "Why not?"

"Because, she's dead." Loki nods and I give a sorry look "It's fine. At least I know that she didn't abandon me."

He looks to the ground behind me and I take his hand in mine "Nobody in their right mind would leave you."

He shrugs, before clearing his throat "I'm going to spend some time in New York. It's close to the prison, and my scout still wants me in politics."

"Really?" I ask and he nods, before I look to Hela "What about you? Are you going to stay in America?"

"No." she sighs, before explaining "Asgard needs it's CEO, but I'll be back before you're released."


The ten months Loki is gone, feels like the 134 he was here. The fifteen minutes out of the week, where I do see him, feel like a second.

But after painstakingly counting those 295 days, Vision, Pietro, and I stand in a line. We give a short goodbye to Stark and Rogers, through their cell door, before walking down the line.

After we change into our court clothes, I look to the boys "Ready to go, boys?" they nod and we step out into the catwalk that connects the men's facility from the women's.

When we step out to the bus, Wanda runs to Pietro and jumps on him, screaming in Russian.

After we climb on the bus, I can't help but jump in my seat as we near the front gate. When we finally grind to a hual, I'm the first out the bus.

It's not until we're off the bus, that I see Loki and Hela leaning against an SUV. When I step closer to him, he smirks "Big, bad, convict, coming to crawl into my bed!"

"Shut up!" I smile, before pulling him towards me and kissing him, longingly. After our lips separate, we rest our foreheads together and I whisper "I love you."

"I love you, too." he states, before smacking my butt "Now, get in the care, before I they arrest us for public indecency."

"Shotgun!" Pietro insists and I roll my eyes, before giving Hela a hug, and crawling into the very back of the SUV, with Loki.


After a trip to, you guessed it, Taco Bell, we walk into Loki's upper east side 'apartment'. There's three floors and a fucking elevator.

"Welcome home, kids." Loki smirks at the others "Hela, Thor, and I, are leaving tomorrow. Enjoy."

"This is ours?" Wanda asks and Loki nods "This is four times the size of our home in Sokovia."

"Yeah, the government pays for it." Loki sighs and I frown "If I tell you what I've done for the government, I'd have to kill you."


When we get to my home, in Australia, Frigga greets us warmly, with a warm supper. After a hearty supper, Hela declares "I've changed your old room a bit."

With a ting of confusion, Loki and I start up the stairs and Loki stops me at the door "What did it look like before?"

I shrug and explain "The bathroom was white, with grey walls. The bedroom was dark blue. Dark brown wood floor. Balcony had black furniture with a fire pit and a hamic."

He nods and we step in. The room and balcony look the same. So does the bathroom. But when I walk out of the bathroom, I find my mother and Hela stand in the hallway. Loki smiles "Well?" as he leans against the doorframe.

That's when I notice the wall behind him is chalkboard. In big, cursive, multicolored letters, that form a rainbow "Marry me?" the question mark is in white.

I furrow my brow "Are you?" I look to Loki "Is this you... proposing?" he smirks and I ask "You know about my last marriage, right?"

He shrugs "I won't sleep with your best friend, then?"

"You are my best friend." I state and he raises an eyebrow to me "Isn't the top supposed to propose?"

"Fuck the norm." Loki states and I smile, before he rests his head back on the wall "What do you say?"

"Come here." I demand and he steps forward. I look out into the hall and smile "I really do love you girls, but if you will, I have never been completely alone with my fiance."

"We'll head to a cinema." Frigga nods, before shutting the door.

Once it's shut, Loki looks to me "Is that a yes?" he asks.

I scoff "You bet your sweet ass it is!"


As the years go by, Loki adapts to life outside of the Klyn. When he's not helping Frigga out in the garden, or around the house, he's sleeping, sun bathing, or enjoy his newest hobby, pole dancing.

He dances for himself, and I don't bother him. After years of marriage, I've never, once, woken up before him. I was so used to waking up to find the bed empty.

Shortly after he picked it up, I started waking up to find him peacefully asleep, next to me. He's said, it was because the nightmares of his childhood have stopped.

Despite the fact that he sunbathes on our balcony, he's still the same shade of white. How? I have no idea.

Outside of the Klyn, I didn't think we could be any closer then we were, on the inside. But then there was something we discovered.

Maybe you've guessed it?

Shower sex.

Now, Loki drops the soap on purpose.


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