Day 1

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It was a quiet peaceful early coldish morning. He had never experienced this as he never got up this early. He slowly got out if bed trying not to wake the other male as he tip toed his way to the kitchen. The boy knew how to cook decently enough to actually make a meal. He started to cook making sure not to be loud to wake the others.

The sunshine hit the males face awaking the boy from his slumber. He groaned opening his eyes stretching his body to wake up more. The male just realised he slept with someone and he quickly sat still knowing waking the older would be bad for him. He smelled the aroma of bacon and pancakes he was so hungry he didn't notice Yoongi wasn't beside him. He quickly brushed his teeth so he could eat the delicious food.

He went to twist the doorknob, but the door flung open hitting Jimin harshly. Jimin felt like the life of him got knocked out of him and Yoongi quickly put the tray of food on the bedstand and rushed over to Jimin's side. "Jimin! Are you okay?" Jimin rubbed his head and showed his best possible fake smile to his Hyung. "Yes I am okay no need to worry."

On the other hand, Yoongi didn't believe the younger what so ever, so he picked the boy up bridal style and placed him down on the bed. "I'm so sorry Jiminie I thought you were still sleeping." At this point Yoongi felt so guilty he should have slowly opened the door, but his excitement took over him Yoongi grabbed the tray and sat it on the youngers lap. "Heres the breakfast i was going to give you I got up early to make it for you." Jimin's eyes widened at his boyfriends statement.

"You got up so early to cook this for me?" A smile had crept onto Jimin's face "kiss me!" Yoongi smiled they both wanted eachother the first time they saw eachother Jimin started to get inpatient and started to whine. "Yoongi kiss me please!" Yoongi leaned in slowly teasing Jimin a bit their lips slowly collided molding together Yoongi bit the younger's bottom lip asking for permission which Jimin glady gave.

The older male started to explore the wet, hot carven with his tounge and Jimin couldn't stop thinking about the tounge technology he was receiving he never wanted to stop kissing his yoongi. Jimin's tiny hands made their way to Yoongi's hair pulling on the locks, Jimin started to moan into the kiss as Yoongi was just making him feel so good the kiss was slow and passionate their tounges moving in and out of eachothers mouth. They fianlly stopped when they heard a knock on the door "Jimin did you make us pancakes?" Yoongi sighed he wanted to continue to kiss Jimin, but instead he just stared at a swollen lipped Jimin. "No Yoongi-Hyung did he brought me mine so i could have breakfast in bed."

"Oh okay Chim Chim! Do you need anything?" Yoongi stared at Jimin then let out a sigh "yes can you get pain medicine because Jiminie hit his head this morning." They heard the oldest walk away Yoongi avoided eye contact with the youngest in fear to see the look on his face. The oldest twisted the doorknob Jin could feel the tension radiating off the two. Jin knew the two needed to get out of the dorm so he told them their schedules were clear and walked out of the room.

Yoongi took a shower while Jimin ate, neither of them had said a word to eachother afterwords. Yoongi was getting dressed in the room because Jimin disappeared off to somewhere. 'Damn it i'm so stupid I shouldn't of done that he probably hates me Min Yoongi why do you screw everything up' Yoongi thought as he hit his head. He felt a pair of arms snake around his waist and pull on his arms to get him to stop hitting himself. "Min Yoongi first I don't hate you I just got shy. Second you don't screw anything up you make it ten times better and Third that Kiss was amazing!"

Yoongi's eyes widened how could he possibly know that?! "Yoongles you think to loud you said it out loud if your wondering." Jimin felt Yoongi relax in his grip. "Get ready we're going somewhere." Yoongi pushed Jimin into the bathroom and waited until he came out.

"Yoongi where are we going?" Jimin whined for the billionth time. Yoongi sighed "Jimin i will take the blindfold off when we get there." Jimin huffed in annoyance as Yoongi continued to walk the younger to where he was taking him. Jimin started to whine until the blindfold was being tooken off as his vision was restored.

Jimin couldn't believe his eyes all the lit up rides and the stalls full of food and games. "Y-Yoongi..." Yoongi just grabbed the youngers hands and led him to many places.

"Yooongiiii" the younger whined tugging on Yoongi's sleeve "I wanna kiss you but our masks are in the way" the boy said pouting. Yoongi chuckled at the younger's behavior. Yoongi intertwined his hand with Jimin's tiny hand. Jimin's cheeks flushed red at the olders action.

The two boys have been at the carnival all day enjoying eachother presence. The fariswheel is bright and very colourful Jimin drug a groaning Yoongi to the big fariswheel. Jimin squealed as they got on to the car and Yoongi put his gummy smile on display, he could not be happier than he is right now and that is because of the boy in front of him is his. Yoongi was, so lost in thought he did not realise until Jimin started to ramble how the beatiful the city is. "Yoongi-Hyung your supposed to kiss me we're at the top. Ahh that would be to cliche for you. Ah look how pretty the city is."

Jimin's expression saddened, but he should have felt happy to even be this close with him, but it was something he always wanted to do before he dies. This did not go unnoticed by Yoongi of course "not as pretty as you"  Yoongi mumbled under his breath. "what?" Yoongi pulled down his mask then Jimin's, the younger looked so confused until Yoongi placed his chapped lips on Jimin's soft ones. Jimin instantly melted into the kiss as their lips molded together.

Both of the boys could not of been happier than they are now with eachother.

Jin dragged the two boys into his dorm as they arrived the saw the rest of the group. Taekook were cuddling in the lounge, Jin ran up to Namjoon who sat at the far end of the couch amd started to cuddle him, and Hoseok sitting I'm the middle of the floor eating on the hudge bowl of popcorn. Yoongi gently snaked his arm around Jimin's tiny waist, and pecked his cheek as they watched the scene in front of them unfold. Yoongi let go of Jimin's waist and grabbed his hand intertwining their fingers together, as he lead Jimin to the opposite end where no one was sitting.

The night came to as the couple went home along with Hoseok, but one couple remained in Namjin's dorm. The Yoonmin couple were sleeping Jimin was on top of the sleeping monster a.k.a Yoongi. Jin snapped a picture of the two cuddling. Jin cooed wanting to take more pictures, but Namjoon dragged him to bed before he could get anymore pictures. Jin sighed as he was dragged off listening to Namjoon complaining about how he can't sleep without Jin beside him.

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