Day 5

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     !some mature content ahead!

Jimin woke up feeling weaker everyday that passes. He looked down at the beautiful human being laying on his chest and immediately started to tear up.

'I'm sorry I am going to break my promise but you will be okay,' Jimin thought as fat tears rolled down his face.

"Baby what's wrong?" Yoongi said worried.

"Oh nothing I'm just so happy," Jimin said wiping away his tears away.

"Jiminie can I tell you something?"

"Yes of course Yoonie you can tell me anything," Jimin said running his small fingers through Yoongi's hair.

"Something feels off about today like something bad is going to happen," Yoongi said snuggling into Jimin's chest.

"I don't wanna let you go baby," Yoongi said his grip not even daring to loosen on Jimin.

"I think I am supposed to be on top of you Yoongs," Jimin said in a playful tone.

"Oh yea? How about this?" Yoongi started to tickle Jimin's sides causing the little male to burst out in laughter.

"Y-Yoongs s-stop," Jimin barely spoke due to laughter spewing out of his mouth.

"P-Please Y-Yoongs," Jimin laughed out.

"Fine," Yoongi said stopping and flipping the two over so Jimin was now on Yoongi's chest.

"Your so pretty baby," Yoongi said staring at Jimin with eyes full of love.

The two stared deeply into eachothers eyes, slowly leaning in until someone burst through the door tearing the two apart.

"Oh i'm sorry heheh but you guy have to get up and eat we have to get to dance practice," Taehyung said uncovering the two.

"And we have to shower together since we don't have much time, Hobi has already took his shower and i'm showering with Kookie and Jin is showering with Namjoon so you two have to shower together," Taehyung rambled on excited to shower with his crush.

Jimin started to blush at the thought of being in the shower with Yoongi. He buried his head in Yoongi's neck so the two males wouldn't see his red face.

"Aww my baby is shy," Yoongi said in a teasing tone.

"Stop it Yoonie," Jimin whined  in embarrassment.
The seven boys were sitting at the table, they were currently deciding who was going to shower first and the rest were going to clean up.

"Taekook shower first and the rest of us will clean up," Jin said in a mother like tone towards the couple.

Everyone watched as the couple scrambled to their bathroom, the five other boys let out a little laugh and started to get to work.

As the five other males were cleaning they heard a sudden noise erupt from the bathroom.

"O-Oh r-right t-t-there aaa," Taehyung moaned out.

"Be quiet they are going hear you bitch," Jungguk said in a harsh tone and a slap sound errupted.

"Oh hell no he does not treat my baby like that," Jin gritted out about to go to the bathroom door before Namjoon grabbed his arm.

"No baby Kooks told me he was just going to say that and slap his own ass to rile you up," Namjoon said pulling Jin to his back so he was back hugging him.

"A-Ah o-oh g-god a-ah s-so b-big K-Kooks," Taehyung moaned out loudly not caring about the five other males that could here them.

"Well they weren't faking having sex," Hoseok said in a normal tone while causally washing the dishes and Jimin choked on his spit at Hoseok statement.

"Well I mean Kook gets the Taebooty and Tae gets the Jungcock who wouldn't want to have sex," Yoongi said smirking.

"Stop it," Jimin whined in embrassment for his bestfriends.

"I bet Tae is getting fucked in oblivion," said winking causing Jimin to get up and run to his room.

Yoongi followed his baby to their shared room to see Jimin laying on his stomach on his bed.

"Yoonmin get your asses in the shower and hurry up because me and Joonie still have to shower," Jin said in annoyed tone obviously annoyed from Taekook's actions this morning.

"Okay we are going," Yoongi screamed out.

The two males went in the bathroom, Jimin was shaking in nervousness. Yoongi started to strip off his clothes, Yoongi didn't notice Jimin standing there and not moving an inch.

Yoongi finally noticed and walked up to him and grabbed his waist, Jimin was so out of it because he didn't think Yoongi would find his body attractive, he didn't even notice Yoongi was right in front of him and holding his waist.

"Baby what's wrong?" Yoongi questioned causing Jimin to snap out of his gaze.

"N-nothing," Jimin  stuttered out with red painted on his face.

"Baby I know somethings up your shaking don't lie," Yoongi said in a soothing voice.

"I-I'm j-just s-scared," Jimin said in embarrassment.

"Of what baby?" Yoongi said in a worried and gentle tone.

"T-That y-you w-will l-leave a-after y-you s-see m-my b-body," Jimin said with teary eyes.

Yoongi pulled Jimin in his embrace and kissed his forehead.

"Baby you know I won't leave you and you have a beautiful body plus all I care about is you not how you look but how you feel and your personality," Yoongi said in calm and gentle voice.

"I'll turn around and you can get undressed and get in the shower and turn the water on and I'll come in when I hear the water running," Yoongi said kissing Jimin's cheek and turned around.

The seven boys were in the middle of the song Blood Sweat and tears,they were practicing this song trying to  perfect it even though it couldn't be more perfect. Jimin has been feeling dizzy and faint ever since practice started, suddenly Jimin fell to the ground causing the other members to stand in shock then worry filling each members facials.

  Yoongi was pacing back and forth, he was so worried about his baby.

  After Jimin passed out the six other males in the room got him to a little sofa, Jimin was still out cold which worried the six males.

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