Day 2

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  Yoongi woke up in an unfamiliar room, as his eyes adjusted to the lighting he slowly recognized the room they were in. Pain was soaring through the olders back, Jin's couch was very uncomfortable.

Yoongi ened up carrying Jimin in his room and falling soundly asleep in there with his angel in his arms.

Jimin woke up by getting shook, his eardrums were getting burst because of the yelling in his ears. He whined and slowly opened his eyes to see Taehyung happily bouncing saying get up breakfast is done.

"Taehyung calm down go back to your boyfriend!"

"Well I am, just wake Yoongi up cuz i'm not touching that sleeping monster," Taehyung said while running out the door.

Jimin sighed and gently shook Yoongi to wake him up, he only earned a groan and a tighter hold on his waist.

"Yoongi please we have to get up," Jimin said while shaking Yoongi a bit more.

"No leave me alone," Yoongi said grumpy

"Fine but i'm going to eat," Jimin said prying Yoongi's hands off him.

  Jimin quickly sat down and got ready to eat. He was starving to stay the least, Jin quickly noticed Yoongi was not there and he rolled his eyes.

"Who is hungry?"

  All the males were eating like normal, the males heard feet padding over to the table.  Suddenly, Jimin felt a weight on his lap, all of BTS cooed at the two. This was a sight that no one ever sees, Yoongi's arms were wrapped around Jimin's neck and his face was burried in the crook of Jimin's neck.

"The bed is cold without you," Yoongi whined as he snuggled more into Jimin.

Jimin's face flushed red, he was shook that this was even happening. Jin secretly took a photo of the two, the teasing started even knowing Yoongi was probably going to kill them later.

"Awww look at Yoongi being submissive," Jungguk said with a teasing tone.

"Shut the hell up fetus," Yoongi scoffed at the younger.

"Guys lets go to the pool today," Jin said interrupting the argument that was about to go down.

"Yes I can't wait TaeTae lets go get ready!" Jungguk said bouncing up and down.

"Im not going to the stupid pool," Yoongi scoffed and walked to his room to sleep.

Jin noticed Jimin's sad expression, he was gonna fix Yoongi's attitude problem.

"I will go get ready right now," Jimin said in a sadden voice and went to Hobi's room.

Everyone was getting ready, but Jin went to the kitchen to grab his frying pan. He grabbed a pink sparkling frying pan and marched to Yoongi's room and burst through the door.

"Min Yoongi wake up now!" Jin said hitting Yoongi with the frying pan.

"The hell quit hitting me!" Yoongi said anger evident in his voice.

"Not until you go to the pool with us," Jin said threating him with the pan.

"And why would I want to go to a lame pool?" Yoongi said in a sass tone.

"Because you love Jimin and you made him sad, we-"

"Say no more Jin. Get out so I can get ready," Yoongi said pushing the older out of the room so he can get ready.

  The six males were ready to go down to the pool, but Jin kept telling them to wait a few minutes.

"What are we even waiting for?" Jungguk whined while jumping up and down.

"Alright you guys just go down to the pool I will be down there in a couple minutes," Jin said

The five males fianlly made it to the pool after the very playful walk they had. The Taekook couple had jumped into the pool causing water to overflow over the sides getting the hot concrete wet. Hobi had an evil smirk plastered on his face as he saw an innocent looking Jimin looking around for Jin. Namjoon watched the four boy's while laying on a pool chair.

Jimin got tossed onto Hobi's shoulder, the younger started to scream as Hobi started to walk towards the pool. They were very unaware of the glaring eyes behind them shooting them death glares every second.

"Ahh Hobi-hyung Nooooo put me down!" Jimim screeched towards the older.

"Jung Hoseok put me down!" Jimin said hitting the olders back.

"Ok," Hobi said with a smirk then threw him in the pool.

Jimin screamed as he fell into the cold water, Yoongi huffed and sat on the other pool chair. Jimin got out of the water, he noticed his boyfriend sitting in a pool chair, he ran over towards his with his arms open.

"Don't hug me you are wet!" Yoongi said angrily while closing his eyes.

"O-ok," Jimin said with tears in his eyes, Jin opened his arms and Jimin ran into his arms.

Jin intertwined their hands and ran pulling Jimin with him into the water. Yoongi just rolled his eyes and shut his eyes.

The five boys were about to do something dangerous, they were gonna play with Yoongi. They quickly got out of the pool and everyone grabbed Yoongi and put him in the water. The boys look for their next target, Namjoon's eyes widen as he races to the pool and sits down before they can get him.

"Really Jimin? I bet this was your idea," Yoongi said looking mad like he was going to kill someone.

"N-" jin tried to speak for Jimin but got cut off by Yoongi.

"Shut up Jin," Yoongi said as he backed Jimin into the pool wall.

Suddenly Yoongi crashed his lips onto Jimin's not caring if the others were there, right now all that mattered was them, they held each other as they kissed. Yoongi slid his tounge over Jimin's bottom lip to get him to open his mouth, Jimin glady opened his mouth. Jimin whined as he felt Yoongi's tounge roam everywhere on his mouth not letting an inch be undiscovered, Jimin's fingers were threading through Yoongi's wet hair as the kiss continued.

They pulled apart because of the lack of oxygen, Yoongi looked at Jimin's swollen lips and smirked.

"Your mine baby," Yoongi said in a deep voice causing Jimin to shiver.

"I'm yours," Jimin said blushing.

Yoongi kissed Jimin quickly and then Jimin came to a realization he did this in front of his hyungs.

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