Chapter 3

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Adam POV

I looked down at the paper sitting in front of me. One more person, one more audition and I still feel like I haven't found the person I've been looking for. Don't get me wrong right now I just want the last person to be over with. I've been sitting here for what feels like hours with a hangover and I finished my coffee ages ago so trying to listen to people that have no musical gift what so ever is starting to get to me.

I signed and looked at monte who looked just as fed up and tired as me. I'm starting to honestly think I might go on tour without a bass player and I have no idea how that would work.

I heard the door open and read the name on the sheet "Tommy Joe Ratliff?" I asked before looking up and I'm not going to lie I was a little shocked with what I saw. A beautiful guy with blonde hair nodding at me but not giving me eye contact. He was stunning, a bit smaller than me and that was with platforms on and he was wearing make-up, my kind of guy. He finally made eye contact with me and for a second, I got lost in his amazing big brown eyes. I smiled at him but he looked down at his feet, did I do something wrong? No Adam he's probably just nervous or something.

"Alright Tommy whenever you're ready" I said and with a quick nod he started to play and instantly I was in love. Not only did he look beautiful with his fringe covering his face whilst he played but he was actually good. I could see him getting lost in the music and it was honestly magical. I could feel myself smiling like an idiot, I've found him, I've found my bassist. I looked at Monte and Isaac and they both looked as hypnotized as me.

He stopped his solo and looked up at me and all I could do was stand up and clap which caused a small blush on his face which created butterfly's in my stomach. Monte and Isaac joined me and for the first time in weeks I felt happy, maybe life and tour will go to play after all.

"You've got the job" I said a little to excited he probably didn't understand a word I said. He just looked at me in shock and all I could do was smile. I did a hand movement signing for him to come over to the table where I was sat and I walked around to the over side.

He looked up at me nervous, he was so small compered to me which I honestly found adorable. "Well done Tommy, you should be proud of yourself" I said with a smile. I could see him shaking so I put both my hands on his shoulders "You did great, give your details to the front desk and I'll contact you" I said with a wink and headed out the hall door and back into the small dressing room where Sutan did my make-up. He wasn't in the room so he must be in the bathroom. I leaded against the wall and took a deep shaky breath. Wait did I just wink at me! Did I just flirt! No, I was just being myself, right?

I have Sauil in my life and I love him with all my heart, he's my everything I would die for him.

I sat on the small seat which was in front of the mirror and smiled. "I actually have a bassist, finally" I quietly said to myself but my happy mode was quickly killed when I felt my phone go off in my jacket pocket.

I looked at the caller ID and signed when I saw the name that was on the screen.

I took a deep breath.

"Hi Baby" I said trying to sound cheerful.

"Don't hi baby me, where are you Adam, you left without a word you know how much I hate it when you do that" Sauil said, I could he how angry he was, I had to go home to him in this mood great.

"Sorry Sauil, you knew I had auditions today..." I began to speak but got quickly cut off.

"I don't want to hear it Adam, I'm sick of your shit, you're such a useless bit of shit. Now fucking get home or you will regret being alive" and with that he hung up.

I could feel the tears starting to form in my eyes. I quickly blinked my tears away before texting Sutan that I had to go and I would see him later.

I called an Uber and stood against the wall outside waiting for it to arrive. I put my hands in my jackets pockets and found something I haven't touched in months, an old packet of cigarettes. I use to smoke all the time when I was younger but quick when I met Sauli because he hated me smoking and because I loved him, I stopped. He made me happy and forget about all my bad feelings so I didn't need them anymore but a couple of weeks ago I got so stressed I couldn't help but buy a pack and hide them in my jacket.

I lit a cigarette and brought it to my lips and took a deep breath in. The smoke filled my lungs and I could feel all the stress leave my body and a minute later my Uber was pulling up in front of me.

I got into the back seat and looked at the driver in the mirror and said my address. The driver looked at me in shock and right away I regretted not calling my private driver but it was too late now.

I smiled at the driver "Hi I'm Adam, what's your name?" I said and braced myself for the long ride home. 

Hope you enjoy the chapter <3 I'm really excited to upload more to this story so I hope you guys like it.

Love Adam~ 

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