Chapter 27

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Adam POV

I couldn't help but giggle at Tommy's lost expressions. His bunk had clothes everywhere but if only he knew what I had up my sleeve.

I walked back into my suite and got a black clothes bag out of my dresser with the name Tommy Joe on it in silver.
I span around and handed him the bag which he looked at in shock.
"Here is your stage outfit I had name for you vayvee, go get dressy in my suite Sutan will do make-up. I'm going to go do my vip but I'll see you on stage tonight" I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the bus.

I was so excited to see him in the outfit I got made for him, I bet he will look beautiful.

I walked into the venue back door and made my way to the small ish room vip was getting held in. I opened the door and lucky I was early so no fans were here yet but I could hear them all screaming outside and it made my anxiety jump.

Soon enough security opened the doors and fans flooded in. They got asked to make a single file line and to wait there turn, everyone would be seen.
I took a deep breath as I heard the first set of foot steps come towards me. I was behind a big screen backdrop to make the experience more personal to each fan. I could feel myself starting to shake and at the moment I just wanted to run back to the bus and into Tommy's arms but as soon as I saw the fans big smiling face my heart melted.

"Oh my god it's really you" the young girl who looked around 16 said in a excited voice.
I laughed and opened my arms for a hug which she pretty much ran into.

"Who else would it be?" I laughed "what's your name beautiful?"

"Lola" she stuttered, I could feel her shaking in my arms.

"Well Lola thank you so much for coming tonight it means the world to me and I hope to see you front row. Would you like a picture?" I ask which she gave me a big smile and nodded.
I could see her hands shaking so I took the phone from her and took our picture together.

"You look beautiful, again thank you for coming" I said with a smile. She said her byes and walked away I could hear her crying as she left, I don't understand why I have that affect on people but seeing them happy warms my heart.

*one hour later*

I was moving on to the last couple of fans now and honestly my anxiety was completely gone, everyone was so nice and I even got some gifts, when they asked about the bandage on my arm I just said I pulled a muscle and people seemed to believe it which was good.
I was waiting for the next fan to come around but all of a sudden I could hear crying.
I questioned myself if I should have a look and decided to have a look, my fans are my world I would hate one of them being upset.

I walked around the backdrop to see two girls one no older than 13 and the over guessing 17 holding hands whilst security was pulling the younger girls arm.
She had tears running down her face almost screaming the name Sarah but was coughing between sobs.

"What's going on here ? Let the kid go" I said with an annoyed but concerned tone.
The security let go of the girls arm showing a bright red hand mark, I clenched my jaw in anger.

The younger girl ran into my hugging me tightly, the male security man was about to rip her off of me before I rapped my arms around her small shaking frame.
"Don't you dare touch her again, now answer my question what is going on" I said holding the small girl to my chest to try calm her down.

"She was too scared to meet you alone, I'm her big sister" the older girl spoke.

"That's it? You upset this poor kid cause they wanted to go together?" I could feel the anger rushing through me, no one dares hurts my fans, I even told Tommy before we started dating my fans come first they are my will to live.

"I'll make sure you never work again Sir" I said to the male guard. He gave me a dirty look before I held out my hand for the older girl to take.

I heard the guy shout faggot at me as we walked behind the backdrop. The older girl quickly let go of my hand and ran towards the guy kicking him in the balls.

"He might be gay but he is more of a man than you will ever be!" She shouted at him before running back to me. All I could do was stand in shock that a fan just did that for me.
I gave the girl if I remember correctly name Sarah a big hug and looked closely at the young girls arm.
I found out her name was Rose and her arm was a little bruised which broke my heart. I gave them back stage passes and told them I'll get someone to look after them so I know there safe, that someone of course being Sutan he is great with kids and will probably glam them up or something.

I took them both to the venues dressing room where e all the band was already messing about, I opened the door and Sutan jumped up from his spot and came up to give them both a hug, Sarah was telling me they both wanted Raja to be queen on Drag race so meeting her would be a dream so it was nice seeing Sutan having the attention for once.

I walked up to Tommy and kissed his forehead causing him to blush.
"Adam, people " he whispered and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Those people are family TJ who in fact screamed at a guy for calling me a fag so I'm more than happy to kiss you in front of them" he smiled his cheeks becoming a even more darker shade of red.

Soon enough there was a knock of the door saying that it was stage time. I gave Sutan, Sarah and Rose a quick hug before walking and following the band to side stage. I watched Tommy pick up his bass and I could see the fear in his eyes.

I turned him towards me and held him by the shoulders "you will do amazing and remember I'm on that stage with you" he nodded and I gave him a quick kiss on the lips before turning him around towards the stage and slapping his ass.

I walked on stage and the spot light hit me, there was thousands of screams and cheers and I couldn't help but smile and feel blessed. I looked over and Tommy Joe who looked just has happy and at home as me, this is the start of something amazing I could feel it.

*small time skip*

I ran off stage to quickly get my outfit and make up changed as the dancers did there thing. I made my way to the top of the stairs that was my entrance to the stage and I heard the start of fever play.
I sassily made my way down the bottom of the steps and like told in rehearsals Tommy met me at the bottom.
I rapped my arm around his waist and pulled him towards me and started to sing.

"There he goes
My baby walks so slow
Sexual tic-tac-toe
Yeah, I know we both know
It isn't time
But could you be m-mine"

I grabbed him by the neck causing a gasp to leave him mouth which gave me perfect entrance. I stuck my tongue down his throat, I could feel his knees go weak. I pulled away and pushed him back to his side of the stage before continuing the song, his cheeks were red and the fans were going wild I couldn't help but smile.

A couple of songs later and I took a deep breath knowing what was coming. I decided earlier that day when meeting fans I was going to secretly dedicate the next song to Tommy to say how sorry I was about what happened.

"I would like to dedicate this song to someone really close to my heart" I said before looking at Tommy with a small smile.

The song started to play and I could already feel the tears welling up in my eyes .

"Cold as ice
And more bitter than a December
Winter night
That's how I treated you
And I know that I
I sometimes tend to loose my temper
And I cross the line
Yeah that's the truth"

By the end of the song I was sitting on the edge of the stage tears running down my face. I looked towards Tommy his hair hiding his face. All I wanted was to run up to him and kiss him all over.

Maybe love isn't so bad after all.

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