Chapter 3- Speechless

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It was obvious that Trouble was standing behind me, I would recognise that husky voice anywhere. His warm breath against the back of my neck sent shivers down my spine. I let out a deep breath as goosebumps formed on the top of my skin. 
'Just ignore him and he'll get bored and leave' I thought, trying to convince myself that I didn't want him near me when the truth was that I wanted him to talk to me.. 

"Not a talkative one aye?" He smirked blowing on the back of my pony-tale making my hair fly up. I shut my eyes lightly wanting him to go away.. but at the same time, I wanted him to stay. I felt his breath leave my skin as he walked away, smirking to himself with his hands in his pockets and his sunglasses over his eyes. 

I turned to watch him leave and felt a slight smile form on my face, as I watched him walk away, A small grade 9 student ran past him, he stuck out his food, tripping him over and kept walking like he hadn't done anything wrong! I leaned against my locker, biting my lip and smiling to myself.

I felt fingers poke into my sides, making my jump
"DESTINY!" Jess yelled quickly from behind me
"WHAT?!" I paused and cleared my throat "I mean.. What?" She giggled as I went back to looking over at Trouble who was now talking to a group of boys near the bathrooms. Jess followed my gaze and gasped.

"NO. WAY." she screamed, bringing my attention to her
"Like.. who..?
"What.. guy..?"
"the one with the hair and the face..i hate to break it to you Jess but a lot of guys have a face and hair" I laughed and looked over at him one last time before rejoining the conversation. 

"TROUBLE! THAT'S HIS NAME!" I saw his head flick in our direction and instantly covered her mouth
"You like him don't you!" She whispered from under my hand
"BULL-" I stepped on her toe making her screw up her face 
"I only met him today!" 
"Love at first sight?" at that moment i burst out into laughter, I believed that love at first sight was a load of lies! you cant instantly fall in love with someone.. or so i thought.

Later that day I was returning some books from the library that I had borrowed out a few weeks beforehand.
"Finished already?" The librarian asked with a raised eyebrow as she slowly pulled the book towards her
"Yeah, it was such a good book.. I couldn't put it down" She laughed as she scanned it and gave me a smile.
"I think I might go borrow some more books before going to my next class" I stated as the librarian pointed to the shelves of books
"Go ahead" I smiled innocently before walking over to the romance section.

As I ran my fingers along the book covers I let out a breath, Reading was my stress release, my escape, its like I could go to another world just by reading pages on a book. I pulled out a book and began reading the first page just to get an idea of it when I heard crunching. was someone eating.. in the library?! it was obvious that it wasn't allowed as there was a massive sign out the front that said 

My eyes scanned around the aisles to see that none other than Trouble was standing in-front of a shelf, gnawing away at an apple. For a couple moments I sat and thought to myself
'should i go over there..? and tell him he's not supposed to do that?' I decided not to go over there but my legs wanted to. Before i knew it I was being dragged across the library by my legs! it was like I wasn't even in control of them!

I stood before him, holding the book I was once reading under my arm, He looked up at me with the apple still in his mouth
"Can I help you..?" He snarled with his mouth full.
"Uh.. You.. Uh.. I.." I stuttered trying to find my words, my eyes scanning over his face, I couldn't find one thing wrong with him, not one pimple.. not one spot.. only a scar under his left cheek bone.. it was very faint but it was still there. He swallowed the apple that was once in his mouth and run his tongue along his teeth, freeing any bits of apple that may have gotten caught in them.

His teeth were lined up almost perfectly and were so white that if he smiled while driving, he would blind people and cause accidents. His eyes were so beautiful, they were so brown and perfect, getting lost in his eyes wouldn't be hard at all. His lips were perfectly shaped and his hair.. just wow.

"Can. I. Help. You" He spat as he threw the apple core behind a shelf
"You're not suppose to be eating in here.." I finally exclaimed, 
"Oh.. gee.. I'm sorry" He sarcastically said with a smirk on his face
"I guess you're wanting me to pick that up as well..?" He pointed to the discarded apple core that lay along the floor. 

"Yes please" His loud laughter filled the library making the Liberian glare over at us
"silly girl.. thinking i'll pick up my rubbish.." His hand landed on my head softly twice before walking off and running his hands along the bookshelf, making all the books fall to the floor. I ran forward and quickly cleaned them up, gazing over at him as he exited proudly.

"He's so-"
"Dangerous?" A voice finished the sentence for me making my look up, a tall boy stood over me, he would've been in at-least grade 10, I stood up slowly to meet his level, his shaggy hair finishing above his eyes.
"I'm Kevin"
"Destiny" I placed the books back onto the shelf one by one.
"He's dangerous alright.." 
"You know him?" I looked over at Kevin as he stood there with his arms folded
"Know him?" He laughed "my brother was his best friend.. until well.."
"Until what?"
"Until he joined some group.. they all had different names, 'Dangerous' 'Killer' 'murder' 'trouble'.." I motioned him to walk with me as we sat down at one of the tables.

"They would go around and rob, vandalise, beat up innocent people, they carried guns and weapons" I nodded slowly
"But then his parents found out and he was forced to leave the gang, he stuck with the name which made the remaining people in the gang angry.."
"What happened..?" I shakily asked
"His parents disappeared.. nobody knows what happened to them, I think it was the gang.." I nodded slowly not knowing what to say.

"but that was 5 years ago.. his lives with a foster family now and he just sticks by the name trouble and wont tell anybody his real name.. I guess its a different identity to him.."
"What's his real name?" Kevin shook his head
"I cant tell anyone.. I cant even remember" He laughed slightly "All I'm saying is.. destiny, you're a beautiful girl.. don't get involved with him.. they don't call him trouble for nothing"


Sorry for the bad chapter guys... it'll get better, i promise!! 

They Call Him Trouble (a Jason Mccann love story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum