Chapter 20- The old house.

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I sat in the front seat of Troubles car that smelt of old pizza and spilt soda, He drove with one hand on the wheel and one hand on his knee, no seat-belt, all the windows down and the music up loud. 
"Shut the window!" I yelled over the window "It's freezing!"  He rolled his eyes before windowing up the window and pulling down the mirror to fix his hair, losing focus on the road and causing us to swerve. 

"TROUBLE!" I screamed as my arms dived across the the car to grab hold of the wheel, 
"what?!" He screamed as he pushed the mirror back up,
"oh right.." He placed his hand back onto the wheel, "Calm down"
"We all die one day.." he muttered under his breath, in almost a whisper. 

We drove down the street in the darkness of the night, the headlights of the car and the occasional streetlight showing us out way, 
"so where are we going..?" I asked, he just shrugged, his eyes on the road. 

We turned a couple corners until we reached the front of a dark ally way, the car came to a complete stop and Trouble began to open his door, shivers crept up my spine as images from the movie filled my head. 

"are you coming..?" He asked giving me a look before stepping out of the car, I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second
'don't think about the movie, don't think about it.. I mean.. you can trust Trouble.. right?' I thought to myself before slowly stepping out into the cold night.

"Follow me.." Trouble said in a low voice as he grabbed my hand and guided me down the ally way, it was dark, it was scary and I was ready to just run off! I walked slowly behind him
"Keep up." He said pulling me along
"where are we going?" I asked shakily,
"to a small party, there's a group of people I hang around with sometimes that throw little party's every Friday night"
"are there-"
"yes people will be drinking, yes people will be smoking, but no, this time you don't have to do any of that.." He said, cutting me off. 

"and I have to be home by-"
"9-10 at the latest" I nodded slowly as he dragged to where the party was, the place smelled like beer and cigarette smoke, enough to make you sick. The music was loud and people were dancing everywhere, I turned around for one minute, just took take a look at everything and by the time I turned back, Trouble had disappeared.

"uh.. okay then.." I said to myself when I felt a hand land on my shoulder, making me jump, I turned around to see sam standing there
"Sam? what are you doing here?"
"I was just about to as you the same question.." He chuckled, folding his arms,
"WHAT'S WITH EVERYONE AND CUTTING ME OFF TODAY!" I screamed he chuckled and grabbed my arm, 
"Lets dance!" he exclaimed 

After a few hours of dancing around and avoiding contact with anyone that had been drinking or smoking I realised it was just about time for me and Trouble to start heading home, 
"I gotta go find Trouble!" I yelled to Sam, he gave me a smile before moving over to another group of girls.

I let out a sigh as I began wandering around the party, looking for Trouble who had disappeared,
"TROUBLE!" I screamed pushing through groups of people.
"where is he.." I was beginning to grow annoyed at him, where could he be?

I walked over to a group of guys that looked fairly dodgy but so did everyone at this party,
"excuse me.." I said politely getting their attention,
"oh hey there beautiful.." one of the guys said as the others looked me up and down,
"have you seen a guy named Trouble around here somewhere..? anywhere..?" they all looked at each other and shrugged except for one guy. 

"Trouble? I know him! he went that way!" he pointed to his left, after thanking him I began walking off in the direction until I was stuck again, 
"Excuse me.." I said to a group of girls all standing with a beer in their hands, they pointed me in the direction I needed to be. 

after 20 minutes of people pointing me around the party I got to the last group of people I was going to ask for the night before giving up and Just walking home who pointed me to an old house. 
"what? in there..?" I said in shock as the girl with the braided hair insisted that's where she saw him go inside.
"yeah, I saw him go in there with my own eyes!" I sighed and thanked her before slowly walking over to the house and tapping on the door.

"Trouble..?" I said as I tapped a Little louder "Trouble you need to drop me home"  I slowly placed my hand on the door handle and twisted it carefully. the door opened slowly with a loud creaking noise, making my cringe. 

"Trouble..?" I said quietly walking around, examining the house. This house looked like it hadn't been lived in for years! I made my way up the stairs slowly, looking at all the photos that sat on the wall, there was one picture that caught my eye, it was of a lady, a man and a little boy.. 
"who is that..?" I asked myself as I felt as if i had seen them before but I shook it off. I kept on walking.

"Trouble?" I walked down the hallway and paused when I heard the faint sound of crying, I walked towards the noise. it was coming from a room that I assumed was a bedroom, the door was opened a tiny little crack, just enough so I could s inside.

"I miss you so much Ma.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.." a familiar voice muttered from the inside of the room,
"I promise I'll kill him, I promise you that right now!" i slowly approached the door, there was a boy sitting with his back to the door and his knees to his chest, he was crying and muttering to himself. as I looked through the crack I recognised the crying boy on the other side of the door instantly.

it was Trouble.

They Call Him Trouble (a Jason Mccann love story)Where stories live. Discover now